What's the difference between those two verbs? My guess is that спешить relates to motion or movement, whereas the latter relates to an action.
Or maybe the other way around.
I'm not sure.
What's the difference between those two verbs? My guess is that спешить relates to motion or movement, whereas the latter relates to an action.
Or maybe the other way around.
I'm not sure.
"С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."
Yes, спешить - is to move fast while торопиться may describe a sence of hurry (you may still be sitting somewhere and not moving yet but you feel that you ought to). Though these words have very close meanings and in some cases may be used interchangeably.Originally Posted by Yazeed
Send me a PM if you need me.
По жизни так скользит горячность молодая,
И жить торопится, и чувствовать спешит!
Петр Вяземский "ПЕРВЫЙ СНЕГ"
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