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Thread: Сложившееся

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hi friends!

    I asked a question on WordReference forum and I don't know which answer(s) I'm supposed to choose. Do you agree with some of them? Which one(s) exactly?

    Сложившееся мнение | WordReference Forums

    I don't understand only сложившееся.

  2. #2
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Сложившееся is past perticiple (neutral gender) from сложить. Сложить would mean put things in one place and/or in a particular order. That's the meaning better suited for your case anyway. For example: when you put a lot of things in a backpack while also trying to do that in a space efficent way that'd be сложить вещи. Same thing can be said about a puzzle, like you have a lot of pieces you need to put together in the right order to get a complete image.

    So just think about сложившееся мнение is an opinion that was "put together" over time by adding pieces of evidence or facts to the whole picture. Usually it is used to denote an opinion that most people now hold, like in your case, but it is in no way restricted to just a "popular" opinion. You can have your own "сложившееся мнение" after all.

    Also take a note:

    You can also say мнение сложилось. Like a person observes something and draws an opinion from what they have seen so far:

    У меня сложилось мнение, что ему нельзя доверять!

    Another note: the imperfective form of this verb is складываться, not to be used in past tense.

    У меня складывается мнение, что ему нельзя доверять!

    Hope this helps, by the way people there gave you good answers, just made it a bit limited to your particular case.
    Soft sign, George1992 and Alex80 like this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    If you made wall of bricks it can be said "you сложил wall", because you "added brick to brick" in process.
    The idea of "сложившееся мнение" is the same: some monolithic opinion was made from different facts and thoughts. Facts and thoughts was "added" one to another to form this opinion.
    So, it is just some way to say "opinion that was created (by joining some things in whole picture) before".
    Also valid: "сложившаяся практика", "сложившийся порядок вещей" and so on.
    The only thing that this adjective impiles: process of creation was complex, involving several steps or parts.
    So, many ways of translation are correct, because it doesn't matter in this case.
    Yep, as was said above, russian "to add" (сложить) is derived from "to put together" (сложить).
    Soft sign and George1992 like this.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Wow, perfect explanations! This forum is the best

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by George1992 View Post
    Hi friends!

    I asked a question on WordReference forum and I don't know which answer(s) I'm supposed to choose. Do you agree with some of them? Which one(s) exactly?

    Сложившееся мнение | WordReference Forums

    I don't understand only сложившееся.
    I would go for Sobakus's opinion:
    "...Thus, "сложившееся|распространён ное|бытующее мнение|убеждение" are all completely interchangeable in journalistic context and correspond perfectly well to En. "popular belief".

    Cложившееся comes from the verb "сложиться" in the meaning "принять определенное положение, вид,форму"- to take a particular shape. Cложившееся- something that has taken a particular shape.
    It has nothing to do with "to be put together" in this case.

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