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Thread: Когда до тебя допрёт?

  1. #1
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Когда до тебя допрёт?

    Что это значит? Слово "допрет" меня перепутает

    Это из игры

    "Когда до тебя допрет, корова? Умер твой несчастный сын, умер!"
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    It's a slang, more rude form of "дойдёт" wich is quite rude by itself. It means "When will you understand that?", "When will you get the idea?"
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    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  3. #3
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    I don't know if it can be depicted as slang. Really it seems like just any other normal word for me. Of course it's extremely colloquial but still, everybody knows and uses this word now and then.
    As for rudeness of this word. Yes, it's kind of rude but not as rude as you can imagine.

    The word is just another variation of conveying meaning of understanding based on the word дойти

    Дойти is just to get to a particular destination while допереть is either to get to a particular destination with a lot of struggle along the way or to carry something to a particular destination with a lot of struggle (usually because you're carrying something heavy or hefty). Of course this struggle results in a very slow movement that impedes getting there easily and swiftly.

    So I'd most likely use the word допереть instead of just дойти if someone hasn't been able to understand something for a VERY long time, especially if the thing to understand looks pretty simple. And I'd do that not to offend them but to add empasis and emotion to the phrase. Although it MAY offend people.

    Kind of like that. I hope this helps
    Valda and Soft sign like this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    Когда до тебя допрет, корова?
    Это значит "когда же эта мысль дойдёт до Вашего понимания, миссис?".
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  5. #5
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Спасибо всем
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

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