The correct pronunciation is e or i?
The correct pronunciation is e or i?
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I think it is "e" from your question. However, if you talk fluently it sounds very similar to "i".После твердых шипящих и [ц], кроме гласных [ы], [у] и [о], произносится гласный, средний между [ы] и [э]: [ыэ], который на письме обозначается буквой е: жена [жыэна], шептать[шыэптат'], цедить[цыэдит'].
I think it's closer to 'a' as in 'cat', because in 'шепчу' 'е' sounds like 'э'. But it also depends on dialects. Someone can say it like something between 'е' and 'э'
In my pronunciation, шепчу́ and шиплю́ have identical first syllables.
Please correct my English
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