Hi all, I need help. I was searching for translation of "Х/ф" but google was not helpful.
That abbreviation can be found in TV shows names on Russia 1 channel:
"11:10 Служанка трех господ. Х/ф"
"03:05 Не сошлись характерами. Х/ф"
Hi all, I need help. I was searching for translation of "Х/ф" but google was not helpful.
That abbreviation can be found in TV shows names on Russia 1 channel:
"11:10 Служанка трех господ. Х/ф"
"03:05 Не сошлись характерами. Х/ф"
Сокращение Х/ф - Художественный фильм = feature film
Other similar abbreviations you might see:
д/ф - документальный фильм - "documentary" (often used in contrast to х/ф)
м/ф - мультипликационный фильм - "animated cartoon" (often shortened to мультфильм)
к/ф - кинофильм - "film made to be shown in cinema theaters"
т/ф - телевизионный фильм - "made-for-TV film"
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Incidentally, my first thought when I saw "Х/ф" was that ф is an abbreviation for фиг, and Х is short for... never mind! ))))
PS. If it's a rather mediocre film and you were indifferent to it, I think it would be correct (and not excessively rude) to say "Такая хрень мне пофиг," which is roughly like saying "I don't give a fart about such a pile of baloney." (I.e., in both languages, the boldfaced term is a replacement for a much ruder expression.)
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