Hey guys- I think I understand these words, but I want to be sure that I have an exact understanding of what they mean... we all know how easy it is to use "almost" the right word, and I tend to get caught in loops with mono-lingual Russian dictionaries and Russian-English ones.... I will be really grateful for your help!
утверждать- Does this just mean "to state" something, like "The government stated that the economy would shrink 1% in 2010", ie, it's just a statement, and it may be true or false? It seems I've also heard it used in contexts where it could mean "to confirm", like, "The police confirmed that the criminal had been captured".
заглавие- Is this only the title of an article, or can it also be the title of a book?
распечатать, напечатать- If I understand right, the first one means "to print (on a printer)" and the second means "to print (as in, to publish)".
составлять- I have seen this translated as "to compile", but again, dictionaries can lead us astray! Does it mean, for example, "The authors of the famous literary anthology have compiled a volume of 1990's literature?"
Thanks again!