In my dictionaries two basic meanings are given for собраться: a) to get together and b) to have in mind (to do something). On other hand in "Russian verb. Prepositional and un-prepositional regime" are given for собраться: куда (+ Acc.), где (+ Prep.), and Infinitive (there is no mention for it but it is obvious). So куда (+ Acc.) doesn't fit with none of the meanings nor the examples given in the dictionaries. I have the following exercise. A person is proposing to another to go to Дом книги, and this answer is given:
- Я согдасен. В книжный магазин я собираюсь давно, так что с удовольствием пойду виесте с тобой.
It is clear that here the meaning of собраться куда (+ Acc.) is used, but which will be the right translation in this construction? Thank you.