I have to write a general essay on this phrase. i.e. a discussion. I'd be REALLY grateful if you could give me some ideas because I don't even know where to begin![]()
I have to write a general essay on this phrase. i.e. a discussion. I'd be REALLY grateful if you could give me some ideas because I don't even know where to begin![]()
Tes yeux brillent si fort
Comme moi quand je suis plein
I heard another variation "Лучше быть первым в аду, чем вторым в раю".Originally Posted by Niamh
It's a questionable saying, to my opinion. Usually it is said by young, ambitious (and generally not too bright) people.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Well, the first thing you could mention is that this phrase originates from Plutarch and is attributed to Julius Caesar.Originally Posted by Niamh
a city looser is still better than a derevnya looser in my opinion. look at the employment and alcoholism rates in some derevushkax and you might get some good ideas
The second in the city. I would said the last in the city to see the sense of the phrase. Because the sense is that there are only the leader and the others (no matter are they the secons or thirds - they are the one last).
So It's better to be the first in the province (small and lower society) then to belong to the mass of the equals in the city. Knowing the main values of the Romans I would said this phrase is about the power and fame. It is better to be a king of a islet than to be an equal within the equals (even if you are rich). The unconscius want to be a leader, to be the first is moving everyone. Judging by the context where this phrase was said http://bibliotekar.ru/encSlov/11/46.htm it characterises the vanity (of the men). The vanity helps to want more and reach more. The other side of vanity is the risk. The higher you climb - the deeper you will fall.
I have no idea what would I write in the essay. I would try to find the evident examples of men who reached a lot with the vanity and lost it because of it - Alexander the Great and Ceasar could be an example. William the conqueror. Napoleon as well. Any conqueror in History. Even if they died in fame and warmed bed, all what they conquered or built were lost or destroyed. They live only in memory, but the fame is not eternal too.
I recall some other proverbs - Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. Лучше быть живой собакой, чем мёртвым львом. The sense is it is better to win in the lower, then loose at all.
Я так думаю.
Now you see the way the world had changed... The virtue of having the honor and valor is not really a virtue anymore. The cowardice had taken over the pride and the ambition to be the first or to die. And to cover their low cowardice, the despicable peasants invented their so-called "Human Rights." What a shame! No glory at all!Originally Posted by Leof
There are two sides of one medal. If the main is the ambitions and vanity, then the alive dog model is right. To live (to survive) means to win. The dead lion defeated.
Но, как говорят, "лучше быть богатым, но здоровым, чем бедным, но больным"![]()
Я так думаю.
Maybe, but even the defeated lion is still glorious! And the live dog is still despicable. Only despicable peasants could drag their despicable existence. And for the man of an honor just a drag would be unbearable. To the Glory, my friends!Originally Posted by Leof
I'm definitely going to use that living dog/dead lion phrase at the end. I'm going to put up exceprts of what i've written but my Russian is childish, and, well, shite so please don't be too harsh!
Tes yeux brillent si fort
Comme moi quand je suis plein
Поему, значение здесь лучше жить в деревне чем с хорошую жизнь, чем жить ж городе с плохую жизнь. В современном мире, люди веруют надо идти в ногу со временем и живут городе. Там, они веруют, будут у них работы, жильё и добро качество жизнь. Люди веруют что в деревне, жизнь трудная и без госпиталь, без спортивное оборудование - без современными удобствами. Люди веруют что в деревне только фермеры и коровы. Но, я согласна с этой фразам потому что я из большом городе, Дублина, и мою семью из деревне. Это правда что иногда, жизнь в деревне очень трудная. Например, в Ирландии, люди которых живет в деревне работают как фермеры. Обычно, нужен встать как можно раньше.
I'd be grateful for some grammar/vocab advice!
Tes yeux brillent si fort
Comme moi quand je suis plein
i still think the phrase lacks actuality. the fact is, is hero in some small village is not a hero. it's someone who's afraid to move out of their comfort zone. someone with great plans needs room to grow and real life prospects. that you wont find in the derevnya.
hey, they can still hop on the elechtricka and go back to their village if they like. but to look at this and say that in big cities there are only winners and losers is incorrect, plenty of people lead fine lives and they're not oligarchs or movie stars.
i think there is no question of honor here, just the potential to lead a better life.
how many words does the essay have to be btw?
Tis only 300 words. I know twas silly and childish but i just took it literally [we were told we could write whatever we wanted] and compared life in the city versus life in the country. Btw, I said I preferred the city =P ONLY because having spent a lot of time in the Irish countryside and not being able drive, I found it very very isolated!
Tes yeux brillent si fort
Comme moi quand je suis plein
лучше быть богатым и здоровым, чем бедным и больным
лучше переесть чем недоспать
лучше быть чем казаться
лучше быть чем-то для кого-то, чем ничем для всех
лучше быть первой Майей, чем восьмой Мартой
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