It seems like they have only taught me about business and numbering my family, and traveling. does it ever change to other topics?

the person I bought my Cds from game me one with 2 guys one sounds like a deep/mono toned voice (like what you might hear on t.v)

and the other one sounds like a more russian/almost french like accent (my first impression)

one opens up with "this is Russian unit 1 of russian 1"
the other:
"this is speak and read essential Russian"
which should I be using?

If I listen to theses all I "doubt" I will be even close to fluent, maybe enough to watch a russian movie.

if pimsleur ISNT the best listening or cd software out there, what it?Rosetta seems to be popular but I hear it isnt good at all.

I dont like books except for dictionaries to make my speach correct or to correct my grammar.

it seems Pimsleur is made for Business owners and tourist, rather than someone who might live ther for a little while.

Sorry for all these questions I have been keeping them kept up for a while.
Balshoi Spasiba