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Thread: Weapons

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    If you are a specialist in translating weapons or armor, please help me with the words below...

    Axe (the kind with blades on both sides)
    Whip (one like Catwoman uses)
    Shuriken (throwing stars* that ninjas use)
    Sais (hand-held weapons, that Rafael uses *from the Turtles
    Trident (three-pronged staff used by Poseidon)
    Chakram (ring-like weapons, that Xena uses)
    Mace (not the spray)
    Hammer - Молот? (the one like that of Thor)
    Club - Дубина? (one like that of a caveman)

    Talaria (the winged sandales of Hermes)
    Pinwheel (a little toy, with which children play. It's like a tiny windmill)
    Book of spells

    Thanks a lot for all of your help!!!
    В эту ночь все огни погасли в Джорджии
    В эту ночь невиновного человека повесили
    Не доверяй тайну никакому деревенщине-адвокату
    Ведь руки городского судьи в крови

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    If you are a specialist in translating weapons or armor, please help me with the words below...
    Once many many years ago I was really obsessed with weapons
    So, to your words.

    Claws - Когти
    Axe (the kind with blades on both sides) - Топор, Боевой Топор
    Whip (one like Catwoman uses) - Хлыст
    Shuriken (throwing stars* that ninjas use) - Сюрикен, Шурикен (not so often).
    Sais (hand-held weapons, that Rafael uses *from the Turtles -- Нунчаки
    Trident (three-pronged staff used by Poseidon) -- Трезубец
    Chakram (ring-like weapons, that Xena uses) -- Шакрам, Сакрам.
    Mace (not the spray) -- Палица
    Hammer - Молот? (the one like that of Thor) -- Молот, Кувалда (sledge hammer)
    Club - Дубина? (one like that of a caveman) -- Дубина

    Talaria (the winged sandales of Hermes) -- Таларии
    Pinwheel (a little toy, with which children play. It's like a tiny windmill) -- Вертушка, Волчок (also used as a name for another game -- so, better use the first one)
    Torch -- Факел
    Book of spells -- Книга заклинаний.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Thanks a lot for you help!
    I appreciate it a lot!

    But there's one thing, I noticed you translated 'Sais' as 'Нунчаки'. Michelangelo wields the nunchaks, but Rafael wields the sais. A couple of other characters who wield the sais are Gabrielle from Xena and Mileena from Mortal Kombat.

    Thanks again!!!
    В эту ночь все огни погасли в Джорджии
    В эту ночь невиновного человека повесили
    Не доверяй тайну никакому деревенщине-адвокату
    Ведь руки городского судьи в крови

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I have no idea how to name sais in Russian, but they are not nunchaki:

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    I have no idea how to name sais in Russian
    Probably сай (m., pl. саи), but I only saw it once.

    Japanese weapons are very unlikely to have a native name in Russian anyway, though. So simply take the Japanese word and transliterate.

    Just make sure to read this before you do:

    Double transliterations (Japanese -> English -> Russian) like "шурикен" give me the creeps.
    The above may contain Siberian words, idioms, usages, and ideas. Take care.

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