Here's one of the possible translations:
"После падения коммунизма русские, охваченные водоворотом политических перемен и погоней за материальным богатством, воздали должное Солженицыну как автору таких книг как "Один день Ивана Денисовича", "Раковый корпус" (196
и трехтомника "Архипелаг Гулаг" (1973-7
, которые впервые открыто рассказали об ужасах советской системы. И хотя русские в послеперестроечной России находили беспрестанное морализаторство Солженицына о судьбах нации неудобным, и его авторитет пошел на убыль после 1991 года, интерес к Солженицыну снова возрос под конец его жизни. "
I think you are being exceptionally harsh.
Sorry, harsh or not, but
translationsnmru is right. The context was obvious (Solzhenitsyn, "post-communist Russia", etc.) but the the text itself was absolutely incomprehensible. We'd literally have to correct every single word.
It's not just a case or a few grammar mistakes, or wrong cases here and there. It seems that you don't see any difference between adjectives and nouns, you don't even try to make the words correspond in number, gender, etc. which are essencial concepts in Russian, and the words are often picked on random.
If it's not a one-time project for you and you do want to make a progress, try to pick up an easier text next time with shorter sentences. This one is way too hard for a beginner, because some things can't be translated word by word.
Good luck!