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Thread: help please

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Jun 2005
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    help please

    What word would you use if you want a person to stop what they are doing?

    If you want a person to get you something, like "go get the book"

    If a piece of clothing or shoes are too tight, how to ask if it fits okay.

    How would you say, "I need to trim(clip, cut) your fingernails, toenails."

    word for baseball cap
    "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials."

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Mar 2005
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    Stop - перестань! or прекрати!

    Go get the book - принеси книгу!

    Does (something) fit ok? - (Something) хорошо сидит?

    I need to clip your fingernails - мне нужно остричь твои ноготи на руке.

    Baseball cap - бейсболка

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Moscow, Russia
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    Re: help please

    If a piece of clothing or shoes are too tight, how to ask if it fits okay.
    Тебе не тесно? Тебе не давит(this one only about shoes I believe )
    How would you say, "I need to trim(clip, cut) your fingernails, toenails."
    Мне надо постричь тебе ногти (if you want to specify you may add на руках or на ногах) Saibot, you variant is also okay though остричь sounds less natural(sort of old-fashion) to me but it could be just me
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    острич sounds weird to me as well, I guess it's got to be some sort of an archaic variant.
    What word would you use if you want a person to stop what they are doing?
    перестань прекрати are good, if it's less urgent you can say заканчивай, закругляйся.
    Тебе не тесно? Тебе не давит(this one only about shoes I believe )
    тебе нигде не жмет? I think is the most common variant for both shoes and clothes. не давит honestly I only heard in a joke about a man who gets out of jail and goes to a job interview where they ask him what he can do and he says he can dig, they ask him what else and he says he can not dig, so they tell him they won't be hiring him. On his way out he says to the secretary
    Потолок на уши не давит?
    the secretary says why and he says
    А я на вашу контору х положил.

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