sup peoples?? i started my pashtu classes a few weeks ago. Its going pretty well...considering its pashtu. But the teachers are really nice. One of them moved to the soviet union in the 80's instead of being a wuss moving to britian or something like alot of other afghans. He ended up being like a professor of Russian at moscow university for like 10 years, and he really likes me and we speak russian all the time.

The DLI is weird though. Its fast and slow paced at the same time. At worst i was worried about forgetting Russian, but i dont think it will happen, i havnt studied at all and i barely pay attention in class, and im like, the best one in there. Also, the level they teach you to isnt even that great. it makes you proficiant but, its not great. Before i started class, i was helping some people study for their FINAL exams and DLPT for russian, and they were amazed at how good i was. I have a friend across the hall from me who is in week 37 of 47 and i do his homework for him=)) Also, about a week before i started class, they ran our of russian teachers fpr "Jumpstart". Its like a class you take while you're on details to prep you for the real class. Anyways they let me teach it cuz they didnt have anybody else who could. that was really fun, i didnt have to go to work sweeping sidewalks and cleaning the same window for 8 hours, i got to teach russian instead, it was A BLAST.

But yeaaa im not sure where im going with this other than to just drop a line. Wanted to say hi to all my homies on the board and let u know im still alive. I cant get on much cuz the only places that have internet are like a mile away in each direction, or straight down the hill into monterey, which is fine untill you have to walk back up.

anyways hi and stuff. cya.