I'm somewhat puzzled by the differentiation within the etiquette rules:
My book says that господин/госпожа & фамилия (I call it "advanced вы") are used in official cases or instances whereby the person is unknown.
I know that вы & имя & отчество/ вы & полное имя / вы & сокращённое имя
work with "вы". (I call it "simple вы")
What about господин/госпожа & фамилия then? Are they HIGHLY official cases? When talking to gov. officials? At the airport etc.?
What if I wanna talk to a doc (a new doc, a stranger)?
What about my boss? вы & Сергей Иванович / Сергей / Серёжа?
In other words, what exactly are those official situations?
When do they actually use господин/госпожа & фамилия?