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Thread: Getting around with a group in Moscow

  1. #1
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    Getting around with a group in Moscow

    This summer I'll be going with my church on a mission trip to Chelyabinsk. There will be a group of 15 of us, and when we get to Moscow we'll need to get from Shermetevo 1 (or however you spell the name of the airport) to Shermetevo 2. Naturally we'll need a 30 passenger bus for all of the people and luggage. Our travel agent has quoted us a price for one, but it seems awfully expensive. The same travel agent also quoted a price for rooms at the Izmailovo alfa hotel that were double what it said on their web site. My question is, where can I find info about hiring a bus? I can somewhat speak Russian, so if anyone has a link to a Russian website with info, that would be fine. What kind of Russian words could I search for in google?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Трансфер Шереметьево-1 - Шереметьево-2

    They claim to charge 900 roubles/hour (+ parking fees, I think) so let's say 2000 roubles/hour would be a fair price.
    Let's say I'll be a 4 hours rent (I doubt anyone will agree for a lesser time period) so 2000x4 = 8000 roubles.
    I think it'll be around $300-400 if you fly to Chelyabinsk the same day you arrive to Moscow.

    P.S. Actually, my calculations are far from being presise (it may even appear that you'll need to pay less, though I seriously doubt it).

    P.P.S. If you use a public transport it'll be far cheaper. (100-200 roubles per person).

    P.P.P.S. Sheremetyevo 1 and Sheremetyevo 2 use the same runways and just are the two terminals of one airport, you can even walk there (it's about 2 miles)
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  3. #3
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    Thanks for your info. I thought the two were pretty close together, however we have about a 6-8 hour layover (I can't remember exactly), so we are planning on going into Moscow and see some sights from the bus and grab a bite to eat. One thing I was wondering though is what kind of public transportation they do have at the airport. Is there a metro stop there?

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyJoeJo
    Thanks for your info. I thought the two were pretty close together, however we have about a 6-8 hour layover (I can't remember exactly), so we are planning on going into Moscow and see some sights from the bus and grab a bite to eat. One thing I was wondering though is what kind of public transportation they do have at the airport. Is there a metro stop there?
    There are express buses to the nearest metro (that would be Водный стадион), minibus shuttles (маршрутки) - but they are for individuals, a shuttle minibus just won't hold a group of 40 people, so the only alternative, I think, is to use an express train (there is a station nearby).
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  5. #5
    JB is offline
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    A 6-8 hour layover isn't enough time to go touring in Moscw. With 30 people you will spend 1-2 hours just getting through passport control and 1-2 hours getting all the luggage collected and out of the security area (if your are lucky enough to not have to fill out lost luggage forms which can take hours). The traffic jams from the center to the airport can last for hours then when you get back to SVO it will also take a long time to check in, go through passport control and security.
    You will be best off going straight to SVO2 as soon as you get everyone together. There is an airport bus that leaves from the island in front of the exit. A bus leaves about every hour. It first goes to SVO 2 then to the Lobnia electrichka station where you can catch a regular or airport express train to Moscow. The bus costs 20p each and can hold 30+ if you count standing.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  6. #6
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    Regular bus which follows from Ш1 to Ш2

    Bus № 851. Intervals are from 30 mins to 10 mins at a pick time. The price is about 20rub for person and approximately the same for a luggage.
    Метро "Речной вокзал" — Аэропорт "Шереметьево 1" — Аэропорт "Шереметьево 2" — Метро "Речной вокзал"

    Mass transit in Sheremetyevo:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    the nearest metro (that would be Водный стадион),

    "Речной вокзал"

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wowik
    Regular bus which follows from Ш1 to Ш2

    Bus № 851. Intervals are from 30 mins to 10 mins at a peak time. The price is about 20rub per person and approximately the same for _ luggage.
    Метро "Речной вокзал" — Аэропорт "Шереметьево 1" — Аэропорт "Шереметьево 2" — Метро "Речной вокзал"

    Mass transit in Sheremetyevo:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    the nearest metro (that would be Водный стадион),

    "Речной вокзал"
    ну да.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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