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Thread: как быть в курсе на популярные книг? / how to stay up on popular books?

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    как быть в курсе на популярные книг? / how to stay up on popular books?

    Конечно, я изучающих русский язык, и я практикующий через чтение. Я знаю, какие книги пользуются популярностью на английском языке, но и о русских книгах я ничего не знаю. Я уверен, что книги, которые пользуются популярностью на русском языке, не одни и те же, правда? Я думал, что это будет так. Кто-нибудь знает, как я могу оставаться в курсе, на какие книги пользуются популярностью в России? (Или любой чтении предложения? Все любят тех, тоже.) =)

    Спасибо на всех!

    So of course I'm studying Russian, and I am practicing through reading books. I know what books are popular in English, but I'm sure that they are not the same ones as those popular in Russia.. right? I thought that would be the case, owing to the two languages being very different. Does anybody know how I can stay updated on what books are popular in Russia? Or for that matter, does anyone having any reading suggestions? Everybody always likes those, too. =)

    Thanks to all!
    Грязные башмаки располагают к осмотрительности в выборе дороги. /*/ Muddy boots choose their roads with wisdom. ;

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    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    Поскольку я изучаю русский язык я практикуюсь читая книги. Я знаю, какие книги пользуются популярностью на английском языке, но _ о русских книгах я ничего не знаю. Я уверен, что книги, которые пользуются популярностью на русском языке, не те же самые, что пользуются популярностью на английском, правда? Я думаю, что так. Кто-нибудь знает, как я могу оставаться в курсе того, _ какие книги пользуются популярностью в России? Или порекомендуйте что-нибудь почитать.

    Спасибо всем!
    Все любят тех, тоже. Everybody always likes those, too. (I've not got neither Russian nor English sentence. What "those" is referred to?) Did you mean that "reading suggestions" would be also those which are popular and which everybody likes?

    В большинстве интернет магазинов есть возможность увидеть список наиболее продаваемых книг.

    Например отдел зарубежной фантастики на Ozon. (Зарубежной эта литература является для русских )
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup View Post
    Все любят тех, тоже. Everybody always likes those, too. (I've not got neither Russian nor English sentence. What "those" is referred to?) Did you mean that "reading suggestions" would be also those which are popular and which everybody likes?

    В большинстве интернет магазинов есть возможность увидеть список наиболее продаваемых книг.

    Например отдел зарубежной фантастики на Ozon. (Зарубежной эта литература является для русских )
    Мне очень жаль. Кажется, я спросил странный вопрос. Спасибо за информацию, а за ваши усилия. Может быть, это человеческая природа, чтобы хотеть то, что я не могу иметь. Тем не менее, я хотел прочитать что-то, из последняя категория: "литература для русских" .... конечно, может быть трудно.. также может быть хорошие вешь =) Эти классики все здорово! Но в них я не понимаю чувства .. из жидкости русской речи .. Теперь я думаю, это была странная просьба =) Спасибо за терпимость меня, CC i chaika.. =)
    Грязные башмаки располагают к осмотрительности в выборе дороги. /*/ Muddy boots choose their roads with wisdom. ;

  5. #5
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    Мне очень жаль. Кажется, я задал странный вопрос. Спасибо за информацию и за ваши усилия. Может быть, это человеческая природа, чтобы хотеть то, что я не могу иметь. Тем не менее, я хотел прочитать что-то, из категории: "русская литература" .... конечно, может быть трудно.. также может быть и хорошо =) Русские классики все замечательные! Но в них я не понимаю чувства .. из-за текучести русской речи .. Теперь я думаю, что это была странная просьба =) Спасибо за вашу терпимость ко мне, CC i chaika.. =)
    литература для русских - Literature for Russians to read which can be written by anybody
    русская литература - Literature written by Russians

    Наиболее популярные классические русские произведения по версии магазина Ozon
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

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    What i am always thinking about - and this question arises quite often among folks studying for.languages - is that reading classics helps understanding and improving one's language skills, but classics IS NOT THE LANGUAGE THAT IS SPOKEN BY ORDINARY FOLKS IN ORDINARY LIFE. So, kidkboom, i understand the importance of your point here, and i'd be glad to discuss it. Personally, as a student of English, i prefer reading magazines (Newsweek, NYtimes, and i can use the vocabulary i get there when I speak to Americans; it's just an example of good modern language, for that matter). Now, speaking about books, the big problem is that Russian literature of today is in very difficult state. 99% is done for market; simply, it's pulp. Talented authors have to survive somehow. If you like philosophical and political satire you could try Михаил Веллер (i think everybody knows this author in Russia today, he often appears on the radio, TV, and other media). If you are interested in history of Russia i could suggest Эдвард Радзинский (he is famous for several books about Russian emperors and a book about Stalin). These two are modern authors. It depends on what you are really interested in. If there are such topics, or a particular subject, I could think about some other authors.  

  7. #7
    I have found material that suits my level of Russian...
    Gossip magazines.... ! Finally I have an excuse to read them.

    I am also reading a parallel version of "Karlsson on the roof" (Russian - Swedish). It's really simple language and nothing fancy and poetic.. A bit boring though, I already know the story and it is for children.

    At first I was thinking that I should throw myself onto the Russian classics or even high literature... That would be madness, I wouldn't understand anything, and it's not how people speak. It would be like starting ones English studies with reading Shakespeare and the King James Bible... a recipe for failure...

    In fact, some of the first books I can recall reading (voluntarily) in English, were the super trashy "Flowers in the Attic" series, which women will remember, and Harlequin romance books.... Anything about Sci-fi or fantasy is not a good idea - it has to have everyday words in it, no specialist jargon.

    Very simple and interesting enough that you will keep reading to find out how it ends.
    I am looking for such a book in Russian, in fact.

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    There's nothing wrong with reading "pulp" novels. They may not be pieces of art but you're not looking for art, you're looking for language. I have read two novels by Oksana Robski (the two "Casual" novels) which are absolutely not what I would read normally, but they make use of everyday language. Then novels by Sergei Lukianenko and Dmitri Gluchowski, both authors write fantasy / horror / SF, also using modern language.

    On the other hand I am currently reading Akunin's Pelagia novels, and while they are contemporary they are set in the 19th century, and the vocabulary shows it. I was told in e-mail conversation that I was writing like a 19th century duke because I used a couple of words from there which the dictionary did not mark as obsolete...

    And with the Classics it's just the same. For a language learner who wants to learn contemporary language they are not the right material.
    Спасибо за исправления!

    Вам нравится этот форум, и вы изучаете немецкий язык? Вот похожий форум о немецком языке.

  9. #9
    Haha Robin! I was also thinking about reading the Akunin novels just because they sounded like books I'd enjoy. But they were too hard, so I didn't. Definitely for the best by the sound of things. The one I was going to read was about a nun who was solving mysteries in the 19th century.

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    yes, i tried it on It's possible to click "бестселлеры" (bestsellers) in every section, and the most popular books appear. The problem is a lot of them are books by foreign authors translated into Russian (though, it might be OK for learning purposes). Some 'pulp' also appears among the first, but for learning it could be also fine.

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    That's exactly the series I am reading, Hanna. At the moment I read a series of paragraphs in Russian, then read the same bit in the German translation, and so on. I try to get the gist of it in Russian, then get the fine points from the German version.
    Спасибо за исправления!

    Вам нравится этот форум, и вы изучаете немецкий язык? Вот похожий форум о немецком языке.

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    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I am also reading a parallel version of "Karlsson on the roof" (Russian - Swedish). It's really simple language and nothing fancy and poetic.. A bit boring though, I already know the story and it is for children.
    I like reading children's stories to practice English since these stories are the stories which ignited all the natives with the language so I hope I can get some sort of the same "ignition" to understand English better. I love Kipling's short stories even though I can recite all their Russian versions myself not looking in the book.

    For those who learn Russian I would highly recommend Nikolay Nosov (Николай Носов).
    Незнайка. (Приключения незнайки и его друзей).
    Незнайка на луне.
    (There are also "Незнайка в солнечном городе", but it is not as good as the two above.)
    Фантазеры (Short story collection including "Мишкина каша" and other stories)
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  13. #13
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup View Post
    ...For those who learn Russian I would highly recommend Nikolay Nosov (Николай Носов).
    Незнайка. (Приключения незнайки и его друзей).
    Незнайка на луне.
    (There are also "Незнайка в солнечном городе", but it is not as good as the two above.)
    Фантазеры (Short story collection including "Мишкина каша" and other stories)
    .Н.Н.Носов. Фантазеры


  14. #14
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitpicker View Post
    I was told in e-mail conversation that I was writing like a 19th century duke

    ...до 17 лет я жил в родовом замке, где, благодаря заботам моей матушки баронессы де Монжу, был прилично воспитан и получил изрядное образование...

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    Easy Readers series

    A way of discovering the Russian classics in Russian: the Easy Readers series.

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