Hey all, I'm new here, and just wanted to say hello to everyone

I'm English born, but decided to learn Russian recently, as my fascination with Russian culture, and the country, has grown considerably. I purchased some audio CD's/books to help me get a general grip on reading/writing/speaking, before getting into the language more in depth (I want to visit Russia in 2008 or 2009).

I've only just started learning, so I can't form sentences fully yet, or much of anything else, but I wonder if someone can help me with a particular letter.

I noticed the letter Aa small case is written 'a' in books, on the net etc, but when writing, would one write the same shape? Or would it also make sense to write it out as an Englishman would (As found in this picture http://www.first-school.ws/images/alpha/ap1/a_small.gif)?

I'm having difficulty writing the former within words, so if that's the way it's supposed to be written, are there any tips on how I would form the letter with my pen?