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It's just a name. ... file&u=837Quote:
Originally Posted by smithnweson
Friendliest friend we have on this forum !
I just looked through FAQ and didn't find how to inject 'quotes' into my posts.What title in the FAQ should I click on? Or, if it's easy enough, could someone just tell me here? I can get the curser to turn a person's messsage blue when I run the cursor over it.I can get the symbol[/quote:e9fj4sct]Quote:
in my own post, but it doesn't seem to transfer the quote to my post.[quote:e9fj4sct]
See above, here.That's all I get.Ta!
Like this:
Or simply click on the 'quote' button at the top right of each post.Code:
Originally Posted by name of quoted party
They can of course be nested.
Have fun.
my comments blah blah etc...
more of my comments blah blah.Quote:
Originally Posted by waxwing
Thank you, waxwing.I'll be still getting it wrong a few times, but at least I'm in the ball park now.Ta!
Just select a text and then click the 'Quote' button which is located just above the window for entering a reply. Or use 'Quote' button next to particular post instead of 'Reply' one at the bottom of the page.Quote:
Originally Posted by brett
so and soso and so.Oh yeah.That's pretty easy, thanks.Now, the only skill I need to learn, is how not to go overboard with this nifty little device. :wink:Quote:
Originally Posted by DenisM
Now, I've gotten used to quoting a single line in someone's post. But, I've noticed some people quote more than one person, within their own single post.At the moment, I have to start a new post for each line, and each person I want to quote. Is this also a simple process, or another kettle of fish?
Read my post again, carefully.
Or look at this example:
which will come out exactly like this:Code:Blah di blah di blah, and then this idiot Joe said:
and that fool Jack, in response to Joe, said:
ippy dippy doo
oity woity coity
I don't know, some people.
Doppledy oppledy pip!
Originally Posted by Joe
Blah di blah di blah, and then this idiot Joe said:
and that fool Jack, in response to Joe, said:Quote:
Originally Posted by Joe
I don't know, some people.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jack
Originally Posted by joe
Originally Posted by jim
Hhm.It's funny how you think you already did it that way before, but this time it works. I was missing some variable somewhere, I guess.Thanks! I hope this isn't a one off fluke. I'll soon find out.Ta! again.
If the answer has already been given, just say 'as above'. And I'll just have to work out what I'm doing wrong. But;
I can quote the first time directly from the person's post. But each successive time, I have to type out their quote by hand. Otherwise, my second quote REPLACES what I've already composed in my post (including the initial quote). So, am I supposed to need to write each successive quote by hand? Sorry. Thanks for the patience. Like I said, use the 'as above' response if it's aleady been answered and it's merely my mis-understanding the explanations in their fullness. :wink:
I would just hit the handy "Quote" button and then cut and paste as needed from the previous quoted post.
Hello everyone I am new here :)
Well, my biggest problem is I dunno where and how I should start learning Russian :(
can anyone give me an hint plz??
Originally Posted by ReDDeViL
Well, she was merely asking for help and uno has to roll his eyes at her. Well obviously reddevil should go back to the home page: Then she should click on Russian-basic, which can be accessed here : then click on the work Alphabet, which can be accessed here: Then click on Russian Alphabet, which can be accessed by clicking here: If only we could get more helpful people on this forum. The poor girl's post was from January!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by ReDDeViL
If you have to provide links to the root homepage of this website and explain how to use it I suggest not venturing out into forum world just yet. The post button might be too confusing.
Yes, I roll my eyes only at the ridiculous.
Sorry, but technical part of FAQ - how to type in Russian on computer - is INaccurate/INcorrect in several places...
People who decided to study Russian would have enough problems with grammar et al - they at least should not have problems with technical part if you provide them with correct instructions :lol:
I guess, you took them from a source where an auhor did not really test the instructions otherwise they would not have such obvious mistakes...
- a user will NOT be able to setup his Windows 2000 using your FAQ
- XP steps are incorrect - user should click on 'Details' button to get to the addiing layouts screen
- many users (especially in USA where there are NO "pan-european" versions of Windows) will NOT be able to setup Windows 95/98/ME computer while using your FAQ - there is no "Russian" in the drop-down list there, one needs to activate "MS Multilanguage Support" first
On the other hand you could've used widely known sources - just making a search for say
............................ Russian Keyboard
on or - after 2-3 commercial sites that pay for the ranking, you would see several free instructional sites - they are at the top because they were
throughly tested and many, many people have used them and have links to them as reputable sources.
I would suggest to remove present part of the FAQ and give a link to one of such reputable source instead - because all Windows versions - 2000, XP, 98/ME - have different tune-up - you would need too much text in the FAQ to provide correct information for each -
and because the link would contain more technical informations that just activating Russian keyboard layout:
- what many people otuside Russian want:
how to change standard layout of system keyboard to phonetic (A-A,B-Б,D-Д,F-Ф,K-K,O-O,...)
- how to write in Russian in modern MS Word (often question from people who used to use Word 6 and typed by selecting a font which does not work now)
- how to tune-up browsers to read/write Russian
- how to tune-up e-mail programs such as Outlook Express or Mozilla and e-mail Web services such as Hotmail or Gmail
- how to use Russian-interface programs if it's feasible to perform deep-system Russification of your Operating system (non-Unicode setting under XP, Default Locale under 2000)
- etc.
Instructions are all up-to-date and again, throughly tested -
"Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet":
(it's a short URL for the site - since 1996 - )
Here are some comments from that site's users: ... og.htm#eng
You could see the list of countries of the visitors above on that page...
I would also suggest to place that link on your page of Links at as say
"Technical information of using Cyrillic under MS Windows"
because curently the only link of that kind - that points to the site with Technical info -
"The unofficial Russian leaner's FAQ" - leads to the site with incorrect, incomplete and often dangerous technical information:
- says that its instructions are for XP/2000, but Windows 2000 is different from XP and they have completely different ways of Russian tune-up.
So Windows 2000 users will get wrong instructions
- wrong instructions for Windows 95/98/ME - they are not similar to XP
- a user of Windows XP in a European country would be VERY upset if s/he follows those instructions (part about non-Unicode program support) because her/his system will be changed in the way s/he did not want, it's a VERY dangerous change on system-level, often it's NOT feasible to do so...
- even when it's feasible - says that the way to do it under 2000 is the same - setting for non-Unicode programs, but it's INcorrect - Windows 2000 does not have such option though the same could be done there, but in a different way
Also, 'Writing' link in the site's main menu leads to the outdated page at -
it has only Windows 95/98/ME instructions (not completely correct by the way; and a link there is not working),
but not Windows XP or Windows 2000 ones.
I would suggest placing there a link to Keyboard tune-up instructions from the site mentioned above - - again, it has very well tested instructions for each Windows version plus the instruction of how to replace standard layout with phonetic (homophonic).
Here is the link to Keyboard section of that site:
Hi there!
I have a question;
If I follow PavelUSA's instructions on how to install the Cyrillic keyboard on my computer, will I still be able to switch back to the Latin alphabet afterwards? And how do you switch between Cyrillic and Latin letters on this forum? Thank you in advance,
There will be a little blue "EN" box in your systems tray after you have enabled cyrillics. You just click on it to switch back and forth between languages.
Somehow it's a common confusion - people think that Cyrillic is something special while it is NOT. Windows has the same way for any European language keyboard tools:Quote:
Originally Posted by Fisico_Marco88_NL
- one can add French keyboard layout
- in the same place of Control Panel one can add Russian keyboard layout
Neither one disturbs regular English input - as that screen of Control Panel states, Alt+Shift keys are to switch between input modes:
- say current mode is "English" - I see "EN" in the right bottom corner of my screen
- I use Alt+Shift - and now I see "FR" there and can type French letters
- I use Alt+Shift againa - and now I see "RU" there and can type Russian letters
Microsoft has pictures of keyboard layouts, so a person would know where national letters are in each of the modes - "FR", "RU", "DE", ...: ... oards.mspx
All the above _is_ covered in the Keyboard related section of my site at