Since so many people return to this forum снова и снова (time and again), I think it makes sense to ask... Do you think you are addicted to this forum? I tried to add an element of a joke to this pollbut let's be fair.
Since so many people return to this forum снова и снова (time and again), I think it makes sense to ask... Do you think you are addicted to this forum? I tried to add an element of a joke to this pollbut let's be fair.
~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~
i basically started lurking around here before i signed up to see what everyone talked about. now, i still lurk a little, but not as much.![]()
I'm with you. I consider myself a definite lurker... I'm always in the back ground. I often de-lurk to ask a pointless question, or answer to a poll, and then I happily lurk again.Originally Posted by Anna
Hopefully, it won't be too long till I'm able to лурк in the Russian only room. (and I know that's not russian, but my Oxford teach yourself Russian course somehow has failed to provide me with the verb "to lurk")!
It would need to be somethink like "лурть" or "лурчь"Originally Posted by Methos
i just signed up but I get addicted to good forums easy. I know what a good forum looks like, and this is a good forum
"War is not nice"
-Mrs. Bush
Trust an American to say something stupid.
i left for 2 weeks or so when I had to study for a bunch of tests, but yes i'm still addicted to this forum![]()
No, not yet.
But i do hang around the Pravda forum a lot. It is always funny when people say "i've had enough and i'm never going to come here again!!" only to find them back within a week! :P
So i'm sure this place has the same sort of characters.....although not as many.
NO!...well, not that much....ALRIGHT.YES.Now shut up and leave me alone.
I'm more involved in the non-Russsian lounges, because it's not as much fun when you don't have cyrillic on your keyboard.But as soon as my computer-geek friend (the little bugger makes $80 000 per annum and a largely self-taught computer programmer) shows me how to cyrillify my keyboard, it's all balls in for me on the Russian section.(That 'all balls in' remark sounded vulgar.So I'll say it again.All balls in).
тебе надо спросить?
Море удачи и дачу у моря
Wow, look at how I used to type. Shame on you, Pravit of the past! Shame!
well, for me it all depends on how bored I am -I come allot, how bored I am with the topics- I don't come allot, or whether someone here has really pissed me- now I just try to avoid that situation altogether.
......but it looks like I'm the only one who voted I'm not telling
Obviously this is a really good forum. I haven't been able to find anything else as good as it.
I'm totally addicted to this forum since I've read the "Кровь" novel here =)
Yeah, thanks to waxwing :)Originally Posted by dzh
I can't say I'm addicted, but I haven't been here in a while.. However, I believe there will be a part of me that says I need to refer to this forum as much as possible.
You see, I'm doing a double major in Political Science and Russian BA Honors. I just left high school, so I guess it's time for me to focus more.
Anyways, I really missed this forum. =)
"С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."
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