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Thread: problems with cryllic and email. question!

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    problems with cryllic and email. question!

    can anyone help me out. i'm trying to email a friend using the cyrllic font which came on windows xp, i think. when i write i see it in cyrillc. however, when my friend gets it in belarus, she sees something else. just individual letters and spaces that make no sense. is there something else i need to download she can read what i want to write? i hope my questions make sense. thanks-b.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hello nduetime. I experienced a similar problem. I have a friend in Russia who received garbage when I sent e-mail with Russian text. My e-mail service is MSN and I could see the text just fine. My friend was using Yahoo in Russia. We experimented and my friend obtained another free e-mail address at That works.

  3. #3
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    You may want to read through some of these posts as they may help.

    I used the old "Search" Function at the top of the forums.

  4. #4
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    I had the same problem when I was recieving cyrllic font in my yahoo mail box. I could send emails in cyrllic ok but when I received them the emails were just a jumble of letters that didn't make any sense. I now have a new a/c at and that is working fine.

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy2006
    I had the same problem when I was recieving cyrllic font in my yahoo mail box. I could send emails in cyrllic ok but when I received them the emails were just a jumble of letters that didn't make any sense. I now have a new a/c at and that is working fine.
    Guys I have the same problem. I have been trying to sign up to mail. ru, but for some reason it
    Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

    Winston Churchill

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy2006
    I had the same problem when I was recieving cyrllic font in my yahoo mail box. I could send emails in cyrllic ok but when I received them the emails were just a jumble of letters that didn't make any sense. I now have a new a/c at and that is working fine.
    Guys I have the same problem. I have been trying to sign up to mail. ru, but for some reason it
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    i'm not computer savvy so i'm not sure about all the computer language. the email service i'm using is through juno so the previous questions on the how to fix this problem with me using hotmail, outlook express, yahoo, etc. doesn't quite help me unless i'm wrong.
    i don't want to get a new email address from some other provider in order to write my friend. out of the three links previously suggested, the last one was the most helpful. however, it still doesn't tell me much since i'm not sure what a lot of the things are.
    because she can't correctly read what i have written, is it safer to say that something is wrong on my end or on her end? i think she know less than me when it comes to computers so i'm hoping there is something i can do on my computer to fix this problem. thanks for the helpful advise and listed links. if anyone else can offer me more helpful advise, i'd greatly appreciate it. thanks-b

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nduetime
    i'm not computer savvy so i'm not sure about all the computer language. the email service i'm using is through juno so the previous questions on the how to fix this problem with me using hotmail, outlook express, yahoo, etc. doesn't quite help me unless i'm wrong.
    i don't want to get a new email address from some other provider in order to write my friend. out of the three links previously suggested, the last one was the most helpful. however, it still doesn't tell me much since i'm not sure what a lot of the things are.
    because she can't correctly read what i have written, is it safer to say that something is wrong on my end or on her end? i think she know less than me when it comes to computers so i'm hoping there is something i can do on my computer to fix this problem. thanks for the helpful advise and listed links. if anyone else can offer me more helpful advise, i'd greatly appreciate it. thanks-b
    It may as well be that your friend has problems with encoding settings, not you. Be sure to have either Windows-1251 or KOI-8R encoding when sending e-mails.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  9. #9
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    okay...that might make sense. you suggest that i have one of those two particular encoding. is there any way to make sure that im in fact doing that? can you tell me how by any chance? thanks-b.

  10. #10
    Почётный участник
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    I dont know if this will help you.
    Mine works fine and I did not do anything to my system. (sending/recieving emials in Russian).

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