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Thread: An accent you don't want.

  1. #1
    DDT is offline
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    An accent you don't want.

    I thought that this video put out by the New Zealand Police would give you Russians a good idea of how NOT to sound like. This is your typical New Zealand accent complete with an "and um" in most sentences. Can any of you understand this?

    Police district commander Sandra Manderson of New Zealand, talks to the media about the shooting on Stanmore Road.
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  2. #2
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    Sometimes it's really hard to understand what she's saying, but I think it's not the accent, but me not knowing some words. I tried to make a transcript, but I just had no pacience to finish it. The record is too long.
    Just tell me how much I guessed in this part (in some places I just wrote what I heard, even if it had no sense to me):

    .... last night a man was frankly? shot in crust edge (? ) and we were called to what was koded originally as a domestic incident, and that a homicide investigation was near taking place. What happened is that we meet at Adonside drive and just after 8.30 last night a 37-year old man was reported. Initially he was smashing up a flat and then he left the flat, left the address and walked on the road and began smashing up a car. Police attended and ... a weapon was used and a hammer.. he's been established that he had a hammer in his hand. Further inquires ... one of the weapons ... one of the instruments. A shooting occured just after 8.36 last night in the Stanmore Road area. A police officer was involved in the shooting and a man died shortly after nine o'clock. His body is still at the scene. We heard that the body would be removed this morning. We also heard that the scene will be cleared by late today and at the latest tomorrow. We do apologise for any inconvenience for the residents in the area and for the traffic flow.
    A homocide inquiry is on the way as you see, and it's been .... to speak ... Williams. A conciderable number of police officers are involved in investigation. The PCA has been involved and was... until the last night. They are on their way across just as we speak. As I said...
    THE END for now

    Personally I'm proud of myself for deciphering the word "late".

  3. #3
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    Re: An accent you don't want.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I thought that this video put out by the New Zealand Police would give you Russians a good idea of how NOT to sound like. This is your typical New Zealand accent complete with an "and um" in most sentences. Can any of you understand this?

    Police district commander Sandra Manderson of New Zealand, talks to the media about the shooting on Stanmore Road.
    Doesn't sound like a hard accent to follow. The gist of it goes like this
    As you are aware last night a man was fatally shot in Christchurch and we were called to what was coded originally as a domestic incident and that a homicide investigation is now taking place, what happened as we went to Avonside Drive just after 8:30 last night and a 37 year old man was reported initially first smashing up a flat and then he left the flat, left the address and walked down the road and began smashing up a car, police attended and we are aware that a weapon was used and a hammer, has been established that he had a hammer in his hand, further inquiries are being made about what other weapons were there, what other instruments, a shooting occurred just after 8:30 at approximately 8:36 last night, in the Stanmore Road area, a police officer was involved in the shooting, and the man died shortly after 9 o’clock. His body is still at the scene, we hope that the body will be removed this morning, we also hope that the scene will be cleared by late today, at the latest tomorrow. We do apologize for any inconvenience to the residents in the area and for the traffic flow. A homicide inquiry is under way at the scene and it’s being run at the moment by detective inspector Greg Williams. A considerable number of police officers are involved in the investigation, the PCA has been involved and was immediately told last night, they are on their way to Christchurch as we speak. As I said, there’s a wide cordon in the area, the body’s still at the scene, and we hope to have it removed this morning. The deceased is yet to be formally identified, we have spoken to the deceased’s parents in the North Island. We’ve spoken to a number of witnesses, most of them were spoken to last evening, we’re carrying on the investigation and inquiry today, we’ve still got a number of people to interview, but we would like anybody who has any information and who may have been walking in the Trent / Stanmore Road / Avonside area last night at between 8 and 9 pm, we would like them to advise us and ring the homicide base at phone number 36 37 620. Thank you.
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  4. #4
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    Some of my family moved to NZ ages ago, and now my cousins have NZ accents. For a British person, I'd say the NZ accent is closer to ours than an Australian accent.
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