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Thread: Russian humor and Russian learning folks.

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  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Sep 2008
    Central Russia
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    Russian humor and Russian learning folks.

    I was wondering, do any of you, Russian learning people, chaika, DDT, doninphxaz, Johanna, rockzmom too, although she’s more of a curious about Russia than Russian learning person , sperk, Throbert McGee, (mind you, all placed in alphabetical order ), and others, that might be working under cover, dig Russian humor?
    I don’t claim it to be superior or something, just the humor in Russian made by people whose native language is Russian. Take this sketch from the nineties for example that I ran against yesterday Do you understand it? Do you find it funny?

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Jul 2011
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    Keep in mind that in Russia, as in the United States, there are many different senses of humor. I have found that for the most part, Russian humor is indeed quite funny. The only time that I don't find it funny is when there are references to culture or history that I don't understand.

    If a Russian saw "Jackass" and concluded that all American humor is low brow trash, then they would miss out on the great comedians, satire, funny movies and on and on. So try not to do the same with Russia or you'll miss out! If you watch the movie "Слушатель" I think you will find that the humor in that movie is almost identical to humor in an American funny movie.

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