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Thread: Russia Today TV Channel

  1. #1

    Russia Today TV Channel

    I have to say that this is an incredibly good TV channel for us in Europe. I am aware that it is state owned by Russia and that it may be pushing a few agendas, but most media have an agenda and I don't care anyway, because it's one of the few channels that are actually reporting news about Europe in the way that Europeans see it, not in the politically correct way that has gripped all of European media.

    There have been many examples since I first became aware of this channel but RTs coverage on the Norway terror attacks and their causes was really good, because it reflected how most people in Scandinavia actually feel, instead of pushing the PC line which drove the terrorist crazy to start with.

    When I was a kid, the Russians sometimes had to try to get European media to get the real story about what was going on. Now it's the other way around and Russian media is reporting on the stories that we don't get.

    I would encourage anyone to give RT TV channel a chance. Lots of people get it for free on cable channel or sattelite, but it's also available online.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    When I was a kid, the Russians sometimes had to try to get European media to get the real story about what was going on.
    That is, to push their version of the story?

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    RTs coverage on the Norway terror attacks and their causes was really good, because it reflected how most people in Scandinavia actually feel, instead of pushing the PC line which drove the terrorist crazy to start with.
    Hmmm. I was reading (or rather "skimming") through his 1500-page online Manifesto earlier today, and I think it takes more than Political Correctness to drive someone as crazy as THIS guy is crazy. (Not that he's crazy in the "aliens are controlling my mind with anal implants" sense, but rather in the sense of almost unbelievable narcissism, delusions of grandeur, mega-mega-megalomania, and a messianic complex.)

    Maybe it could be the massive amounts of ephedrine he took (which he describes in detail), or maybe it was listening to "my favorite song, Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell, hundreds and hundreds of times" in order to help him "stay motivated" when he was working on the homemade bombs.

    (Brrrrr.... I can barely get through Sux Aeterna ONCE without wanting to commit an act of self-harm, such as plunging skewers into my ears.)

  4. #4
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    In general I like the station and watch everything online although the nightly Russian news (which is the biggest draw for me) has had such amateurish news anchors that i haven't been able to watch. I think they are trying to be informal perhaps, but i'd rather just a straight laced delivery.
    Пожалуйста, исправляйте мои ошибки.

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    Only took 3 reader replies to their on-line articles before the paranoid answers started.
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by noheat View Post
    nightly Russian news (which is the biggest draw for me) has had such amateurish news anchors that i haven't been able to watch.
    Yes, they do make mistakes, (for example BBC is more flawless) but nothing extremely irritating. And if you turn on the TV and keep it on for a while, while doing things around the house as I sometimes do, then you notice that there is a lot of repetition.

    But remember that many of the news readers are not native English speakers. It's a lot easier to trip up when you are speaking in a foreign language.

    But it does a lot of stories on Europe, and it comes at it from a perspective that no other TV channel that I know of uses, and it's not worried about political correctness.

    Another thing is that it shows Russia in a positive (or neutral) light.
    If you watch any European news channel (BBC, CNN Int'l, France24 DW, EuroNews etc) you'll soon notice that Russia is almost exclusively mentioned in connection with military/security issues, "human rights", criminality or poverty.
    Russia Today shows another picture.

    Some might say that they are showing a more glossy side of Russia than what the reality is, and that it would not critisize the Russian government. I suspect there might be some truth to that, but it doesn't worry me overly. If I want to read the dirt on Russia there are plenty of other ways to get that.

    I learnt a lot about things I didn't know of from that channel, for example stories from South America or Asia as well as regions of Russia that aren't familiar to me.

    Another thing speaking in favour of this channel is that it does not have any commercials. I'd say it's my favourite news channel after the BBC.

    There is s really hilarious economical debate programme which I thought was really awful when I first saw it, because of the totally obnoxious host. "Keiser Report" An ex Wall street trader and multi millionaire with some very interesting views on finance.

  7. #7
    Russia Today has a very interesting economical analyst called Kaiser. ( Max Keiser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). He is American and I thought initially that he was totally obnoxious (and he has a very irritating voice). But he is actually incredibly sharp and VERY on the spot with his analyses.

    He predicted the chaos of the American debt ceiling for example. He's been saying every time I've watched this year: "Have you bought gold yet? You must invest in gold" etc. How right was he?!
    Apparently he is some kind of self made millionaire who felt that being a commentator or Russia Today was the right thing for him to do..

    Anyway, he is predicting an "American false flag terrorist attack" within some certain period. I think he said six months. This would be for to justify more military spending and involvement.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    off: Hanna, are you in England right now? What it's like? Ebony vs ivory or smt else?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    off: Hanna, are you in England right now? What it's like? Ebony vs ivory or smt else?
    Yeah, every year they run another race war, and only people like you can help them stop it. Start packing things and get off there, they need you!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    off: Hanna, are you in England right now? What it's like? Ebony vs ivory or smt else?
    I am in Sweden actually, but I've been following the news in the UK. Friends say it's been really intensive.
    As I understand it, the riot started because police shot a man who was a minor gangster and happened to be mixed race.
    His friends and family went to protest but others tagged along and a riot started.
    Everything else that happened after that is just opportunism. Poor and stupid people think it's a laugh to paralyze society and they get the opportunity to loot stuff that they want, like electronic gadgets, computer consoles etc.
    They're not protesting against anything in particular, only that they don't have enough money to buy the stuff that they want.. It's the rule of the mob, really. There are quite big class differences in the UK and the people in the riots are at the bottom of society.

    There is very little problems with racism against black people (or anyone) in the UK. That is not the reason for this. There are so many immigrants and the UK has a very long history of being a colonial power. All the immigrants find their little niche in society and hardly anyone cares. The only thing people don't like is illegal immigrants/criminals from the middle east, or moslems who continue living like they were in a Pakistani village, even though they are in the UK.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Start packing things and get off there, they need you!
    Поучи жену shchi варить.

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