What an intersting post, почемучка!Quote:
Of course, Europe is one thing and Scandinavia is another.
In Scandinavia a lot of people say "Stuff the EU, let's have a Scandinavian union instead, and leave the EU together...". The people who think that are mostly Green or Red: They think that the EU is to much to the "right", too protectionist, a bit imperialist and not sufficiently environmental. They think that the Scandinavian people have similar goals which are not shared to the same degree by most of the rest of the EU: Particularly maintaining a "welfare state" and being in the forefront on environmental issues.
Some people have traditional nationalistic view and don't want to be in the same union as countries like Germany (for some) or Britain (for others). They are also concerned about immigration.
Plus a lot of people still support the non-alliance/neutral agendas from pre-1990; EU membership on the Scandinavian peninsula was unthinkable back then.
But there is really no realistic way of backing out of the EU now though; all the countries are committed and politicians support the idea. Whether we like it or not, we are in with the rest of the EU-ropeans, so we might as well make the most of it.
I don't like that there is still a barrier in Europe though, between EU members and non.. And the reasons that made the "Nordstream" pipeline necessary are frustrating too - benefits no-one.