I'm reading it right now with my teacher...по-русски конечнo!
It's sooo good, I love it.....Булгаков is brilliant
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I'm reading it right now with my teacher...по-русски конечнo!
It's sooo good, I love it.....Булгаков is brilliant
-- Это водка? -- слабо спросила Маргарита.
Кот подпрыгнул на стуле от обиды.
-- Помилуйте, королева, -- прохрипел он, -- разве я позволил бы себе
налить даме водки? Это чистый спирт!
I love it a lot. I've read it in two days - it's brilliant.
Originally Posted by Rasputin
And I personally prefer Black Russian and Margarita.
What part of the book do you prefer, first (Woland's appearance) or second (the master and Margarita's adventures?).
Kanti попробуй это:
Чем меньше женщину мы больше,
Тем больше меньше нас она.
i recall hearing that a new film version of Master & Margarita is filming in St. Petersburg... have'nt read the book or seen the original film tho... :(
The original film? Do you mean Kara's movie? It has never been released, so nobody have seen it. ;) And yes, they're filming a TV version of the novel. The same director that filmed "Собачье сердце". That movie was great but this time I'm not so sure. I'd say, "Master and Margarita" doesn't fit for a movie. :roll:
Now, really, "Master and Margarita" is a great book, one of the best (maybe the best) Russian novels of the 20th century.
By the way, I have a bilingua version of it - you know, where Russian and English texts come in parallel columns so you can compare the original and the translation - nice way to study the language (not as good, though, as the Frank's method). So, if anybody wants it - I can share. ;)
Originally Posted by Gerty
here in Los Angeles, I'm gonna go see the play in October....can't wait!
Дык я-то завсегда. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Rasputin
I am reading it in English at the moment. Me likey.
Definitely one of my favorite books. I've only read the newest English translation, but am slowing making my way through the Russian. I also saw the big production that was held in St. Petersburg this August. After reading the novel one would think that it would be impossible to recreate in a play or film setting, but they surprised me and did a wonderful job. Anyone else see this?
Lots of interesting about "Master and Margartia":
http://cr.middlebury.edu/public/russian ... blic_html/
Maybe I should read it then in English. My first encounter with M&M was when I saw the play in Russian in Russia, and I understood less than nil. Apparently there was a lot of nudity...
He he, it must have been a Роман Виктюк play and you understood nothing because of his alternative view of the story :)Quote:
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
Well just to be on the safe side, I bought the book yesterday and started to read it :) It is all your fault forum!
Hope it's in Russian at least :)
:oops: No. That would take too long to read and I wouldn't fully understand it... I have only read one full book in Russian, and that is собачье сердце by Bulgakov...
Lazybones! :)
Did somebody say -- NUDITY?! -- :D
what about the bit where margaretta is flying aroung moscow naked coverd in nothing but the lotion?? i thought that was kinda hot :twisted:
[quote=net surfer]He he, it must have been a Роман Виктюк play and you understood nothing because of his alternative view of the story :)[/quote:1dello4t]Quote:
Originally Posted by "kalinka_vinnie":1dello4t
Hey! I am almost finished with the book, and what do you mean there is no nudity?! I think I have read about Margarita with her clothes off more than with her clothes on!
And they are going to film it?!? :o Is it going to be much different from Naughty Nipples 5?
Seems I forgot a lot, I need to read it again sometime.Quote:
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
If that guy is a director, it will be like Backdoor Sluts 9 :)Quote:
And they are going to film it?!? :o Is it going to be much different from Naughty Nipples 5?