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Thread: Language mood

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Language mood

    I know i probably make more random and stupid topics than anyone... but i have a quick question.

    I know all the time my mood of how much i know a language shifts greatly. One day, i will think i can say anything and feel so good about it, and the next day ill feel like i am such a beginner in the language, and feel like i need to study so much more.

    Happen to any of you?
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Language mood

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    I know i probably make more random and stupid topics than anyone... but i have a quick question.
    It's allright I think. This forum needs fresh blood now and then

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    I know all the time my mood of how much i know a language shifts greatly. One day, i will think i can say anything and feel so good about it, and the next day ill feel like i am such a beginner in the language, and feel like i need to study so much more.

    Happen to any of you?
    Once, I've been visiting a friend of mine in Paris. Beeing that close I couldn't resist visiting Amsterdam. The next day after a *very* entertaining weekend in Amsterdam with my friends I went shopping. In the store there was a manager who asked me which language I speak. We agreed to speak in English and he began desribing the advantages of wearing the suit I was interested in. Even though English had been flowing like a river through me only a day before, I was in stupor then, since I forgot how to speak English. Moreover, I didn't understand a single word. Every now and then I kept asking my friends, what the manager was saying to me and every time they surprised me by telling me that they cannot tell me that since he was speaking in English. I just couldn't understand him that day though I remember his pronounciation was pretty good. To answer your question - yes it sometimes happens to me
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  3. #3
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    Ну...ты костюм купил?
    Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
    Ну...ты костюм купил?
    aha... maybe! I know when i was in russia, the vendors selling jeans would talk so fast, but they still drew me in to buy them. (part because they look amazing, and part because they are 1/4 of the price here!!) it was still an experience. I didnt understand a word, but before i knew it, i was in my boxers in the cold russian winter trying on different jeans.... it is weird to tell people here that!
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  5. #5
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    That happened me today actually, yesterday I felt that I was pretty awesome for my level of Russian... and then... it hit me... while I was eating lunch.... I CAN'T ROLL MY R'S!!! But... then I realized at least my reading is good and my cursive is coming along.... so it all evens out.... I guess.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
    Ну...ты костюм купил?
    ... eventually
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  7. #7
    Ty is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by strawberryfynch
    .... I CAN'T ROLL MY R'S!!!
    I can roll my R's and still my Russian pronounciation is terrible.

    But at least my reading is getting better.

    I think when you feel confident your skills really are better and they get worse when you feel bad.

    Confidence is half the battle.
    I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. -Mark Twain

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    I know it's a huge clich
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  9. #9
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    [quote=BabaYaga]I know it's a huge clich
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

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    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

  11. #11
    Старший оракул
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    Да, было бы интересно послушать
    God granted me the serenity to accept the things
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    And wisdom to know the difference

  12. #12
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    From my brief conversations with Native Russian Speakers and Pen-Pals, I've found that I can hold basic conversations. This makes me extremely happy, until I go and try to read Русские Новости and Я не понимаю всё. I can understand the grammar but its the vocab that gets me since they use a lot of long words, although over time I'm sure I'll pick this up.

    Also recently I have noticed that I am beginning to subconsciously read Cyrillic to myself. Like there will be something on T.V. and I read it and then go wait a minute, that was Cyrillic. Also if there is a Cyrillic acronym I'll do the same thing and then not be able to remember if it was in English or Cyrillic.
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Your mum played her balalaika for me all last night.
    АК АК, АК47

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Автобус
    From my brief conversations with Native Russian Speakers and Pen-Pals, I've found that I can hold basic conversations. This makes me extremely happy, until I go and try to read Русские Новости and Я не понимаю всё. I can understand the grammar but its the vocab that gets me since they use a lot of long words, although over time I'm sure I'll pick this up.

    Also recently I have noticed that I am beginning to subconsciously read Cyrillic to myself. Like there will be something on T.V. and I read it and then go wait a minute, that was Cyrillic. Also if there is a Cyrillic acronym I'll do the same thing and then not be able to remember if it was in English or Cyrillic.
    wait... where do you live that has cyrillic on tv? are you in russia? and if you are, how are you not fluent?
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    Quote Originally Posted by Автобус
    From my brief conversations with Native Russian Speakers and Pen-Pals, I've found that I can hold basic conversations. This makes me extremely happy, until I go and try to read Русские Новости and Я не понимаю всё. I can understand the grammar but its the vocab that gets me since they use a lot of long words, although over time I'm sure I'll pick this up.

    Also recently I have noticed that I am beginning to subconsciously read Cyrillic to myself. Like there will be something on T.V. and I read it and then go wait a minute, that was Cyrillic. Also if there is a Cyrillic acronym I'll do the same thing and then not be able to remember if it was in English or Cyrillic.
    wait... where do you live that has cyrillic on tv? are you in russia? and if you are, how are you not fluent?
    On the show Lost there is that Russian guy that has all Russian stuff. Thats pretty vague but you have to watch the show. Also some video games have Cyrillic in them. The Hunt for Red October has Cyrillic all throughout the Submarine. Also you see some Cyrillic watching various Russian videos on youtube .
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Your mum played her balalaika for me all last night.
    АК АК, АК47

  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    Quote Originally Posted by "Автобус":1mj4g0aj
    From my brief conversations with Native Russian Speakers and Pen-Pals, I've found that I can hold basic conversations. This makes me extremely happy, until I go and try to read Русские Новости and Я не понимаю всё. I can understand the grammar but its the vocab that gets me since they use a lot of long words, although over time I'm sure I'll pick this up.

    Also recently I have noticed that I am beginning to subconsciously read Cyrillic to myself. Like there will be something on T.V. and I read it and then go wait a minute, that was Cyrillic. Also if there is a Cyrillic acronym I'll do the same thing and then not be able to remember if it was in English or Cyrillic.
    wait... where do you live that has cyrillic on tv? are you in russia? and if you are, how are you not fluent?
    On the show Lost there is that Russian guy that has all Russian stuff. Thats pretty vague but you have to watch the show. Also some video games have Cyrillic in them. The Hunt for Red October has Cyrillic all throughout the Submarine. Also you see some Cyrillic watching various Russian videos on youtube .[/quote:1mj4g0aj]

    wow, thats really weird, i know what you mean! I just watched the movie "enemy at the gates", about stalingrad, and all the signs were in russian!!!!!!!!! I understood them too! i thought you got tv in russian in the usa, to which i would have been so jealous! i know many people have asked the cable company to have shows in different languages, for me in italian, but they say there is not "a big enough audiance..."

    but anyway, im really depressed from this movie. Its hard to see so many russians die like that. But for some reason, i have this bone chilling drive to go and fight for the motherland...
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин
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    and when in hell will lost be back on? I feel like this show is just phoqueing with my brain. (pardon the french.) They show amazing episodes, then go away for 2 years, so then i forget everything that happened. Then i dont really want to get back into it, but i have to. so i watch the ones from last season, and then the new season is awesome. Then another 5 year waiting... its so cruel!
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  17. #17
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    Нечто подобное происходит и у меня. Мне нравится читать тексты по специализированным темам, например, по тем, которыми я занимаюсь в университете на английском... Так что, из-за того, что я уже знаю, о чем идёт речь, и мне уже довольно знаком технический лексикон (который в большой части случаев подобный к английскому) у меня создаётся иллюзия, что я понимаю русский лучше, чем должен. Тогда, под действием таких иллюзий, когда я стараюсь читать что-нибудь более литературное, оказывается, к моему ужасу, что мне совсем непонятно! Так что, я воздерживаюсь от таких текстов как можно больше, чтобы иллюзия не рассеивалась

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    i thought you got tv in russian in the usa, to which i would have been so jealous! i know many people have asked the cable company to have shows in different languages, for me in italian, but they say there is not "a big enough audiance..."
    There is actually a Russian Tv Channel in our area but it must be special ordered and my parents won't spend the extra $ for it since I'm the only one that would watch it.

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    and when in hell will lost be back on? I feel like this show is just phoqueing with my brain. (pardon the french.) They show amazing episodes, then go away for 2 years, so then i forget everything that happened. Then i dont really want to get back into it, but i have to. so i watch the ones from last season, and then the new season is awesome. Then another 5 year waiting... its so cruel!
    The fourth season of Lost will start in Feb. 2008, they are doing this to eliminate that 2-3 month break like they had last season.
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Your mum played her balalaika for me all last night.
    АК АК, АК47

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    который в большой части случаев подобен _ английскому
    похож на английский
    такой же, как в английском
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Автобус
    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    i thought you got tv in russian in the usa, to which i would have been so jealous! i know many people have asked the cable company to have shows in different languages, for me in italian, but they say there is not "a big enough audiance..."
    There is actually a Russian Tv Channel in our area but it must be special ordered and my parents won't spend the extra $ for it since I'm the only one that would watch it.

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    and when in hell will lost be back on? I feel like this show is just phoqueing with my brain. (pardon the french.) They show amazing episodes, then go away for 2 years, so then i forget everything that happened. Then i dont really want to get back into it, but i have to. so i watch the ones from last season, and then the new season is awesome. Then another 5 year waiting... its so cruel!
    The fourth season of Lost will start in Feb. 2008, they are doing this to eliminate that 2-3 month break like they had last season.
    thats retarded... tv has to be a scam man. I pay whatever the hell the cable bill is every month... and still i have to watch commercials and wait years for one stupid show. Seem fair to you?

    (and since youre obviously on top of things... do you know when the amazing race is on again too?)
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

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