Странно, что люди так боятся икры, потому что это яйца рыб, а никто не боится куриных яиц. :lol:
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Странно, что люди так боятся икры, потому что это яйца рыб, а никто не боится куриных яиц. :lol:
Chickens aren't slimy, live underwater, and if they had the choice (most) wouldn't (swim) live in or eat their own sh*t.
Ahh, I should have known, Italians eat 'fresh'. Even so Italians have to preserve some food! :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by giovanni
Hmmm, took from a train huh? Maybe deep down your feeling guilty and worried you'll poison yourself due to devine retribution.
Or maybe your a wuss. You choose. :wink: :lol:
LOL thats probably just the cheap stuff. But what do you expect from a train? :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by giovanni
Go on try it, just a tiny bit wont do you any harm (but if its out of date you'll know about it). :D
They do preserve bread in a form of spaghetti. :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by Ezri
I wouldn't eat anything bought from a train. Really. I know my countrymen. They all go in a childlike delight when swindling foreigners.Quote:
Hmmm, took from a train huh? Maybe deep down your feeling guilty and worried you'll poison yourself due to devine retribution.
Or maybe your a wuss. You choose. :wink: :lol:
If it smells bad - it is bad. Your nose is your best advisor.
Well, this is one of the reasons I don't eat smelly cheese even though everybody says I'm crazy.
yeah, but spaghetti never dies! If i would be on a deserted island for my whole life, i would want spaghetti and a pot... and i would surive. (maybe some sauce and herbs to make it taste better...)Quote:
Originally Posted by Ramil
i guess we perserve oreos and fritos... but those arent even italian!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ezri
and no, it was given to me on an overnight train! i did not steal it. (but even if i did, i would not feel guilty... :wink: it was a RUSSIAN train, they deserve it. :lol: )
Don't tell us you were trying your jeans on outside.Quote:
Originally Posted by giovanni
yheah man.. i was in a flee market. where am i supposed to go? its what the guy said people do there... so i just went along with itQuote:
Originally Posted by VendingMachine
Why go to a flea market for jeans? You won't buy proper jeans there. Being Italian you should know. After all it was Italian sailors who invented jeans so it should be in your blood to know where to shop for jeans.Quote:
Originally Posted by giovanni
ok? I dont think you can tell me if i know where to shop and to not shop. I found really nice jeans and cheap... And yeah, they did. For one, you are welcome. Two, just because we invented it doesnt mean that i cant shop at a flea market for jeans.Quote:
Originally Posted by VendingMachine
I dont really care anyway... i have sexy as hell jeans that everyone i have talked to here complaiments me on. And when they ask how much i bought them for, they are even more impressed. So please, leave the shopping to italians...
What's the difference between 400 dollar jeans and 40 dollar jeans?
The guy who paid 400 dollars got ripped off.
Seriously what is the difference? Jeans are jeans. Length, number of pockets, аss fat, and bagginess aside... All jeans are more or less the same. Denim, oh my god!
Amen, tell that to my wife. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
and +1!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ramil
When I was young, I used to want the "real" (!!!) jeans - Levi's and stuff.... I soon found out that they actually fall apart much sooner than some of their cheaper counterparts :o .
Now, I think 40 dollar jeans are expensive! :lol:
You know some people buy brand new ripped jeans which look like they have been used a lot and those jeans cost more than good non-ripped jeans.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
i know.. no need to insult my nationality because i went to a flea market... and seriously, 10 dollars for one fine sexy pair of jeans... you cant beat thatQuote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
Originally Posted by BabaYaga
I've never understood all the designer hype. I dont know one label from another but I do know what feels comfortable and looks nice with the kind of price where I wont care if I get them muddy from the road, oily from my bike or holes in the knees. :D
Yes, it happens to me, and I am confident that this sort of thing happens with all kinds of language learners. It also happens if you have taken a break from studying a certain language for a while, and then when you try and read a text or a news article, you feel "guilty" that you haven't studied as much.Quote:
I know all the time my mood of how much i know a language shifts greatly. One day, i will think i can say anything and feel so good about it, and the next day ill feel like i am such a beginner in the language, and feel like i need to study so much more.
Don't stress over it, and don't force yourself to learn. If you've reached a plateau in your language learning, there's no shame in taking a break. I've found that after intensively studying Russian for a month or so, I feel burned out and retaining newly-learned vocabulary is more difficult. After a week's break or so, however, it gets easier.
My issue right now is that if I see a word, I can usually guess its meaning from the context, or even without context, in isolation. That's because I look at languages more from a linguistic perspective than a surviving-to-get-by perspective. However, remembering such words and how to use them in conversation is another issue for me.
Totally true, Uvula.
I'd even say, it's good to take a break when you hit a serious plateau, it gives your brain time to recover a bit, and you're usually better at what you were leraning after the break than before. :)
Ezri: one word : Penney's !!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
10 dollars? I'd never think it's possible to but any good pants for that price :oQuote:
Originally Posted by giovanni