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Thread: Just out of curiosity..

  1. #1
    DDL is offline
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    Just out of curiosity..

    How much would this lot of 357 Soviet aviation pins be worth?

    The person on eBay selling them thinks $120 is about right, so I'm just wondering if that's the going rate for military pins.

    (sorry if this is a weird topic, but I figure no one else I know of would have any idea, so sorry if people think this is dumb).

    And what on earth would the winner do with all of them?

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  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    That collection might raise that money only if some cracy collector will stumble upon this offer. It may just happen that a couple of them may present some interest to a bunch of collectors.
    I would pay no more than $2 for the whole.

    In my childhood I used to collect that stuff. I've got about 500 pins somewhere. I wonder how much they would raise
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  3. #3
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    There is really no telling. You'd have to be someone who knew what they were doing to really place a real value on them. Given the way this guy is selling them, they aren't much count -- it's quantity over quality. That's 30 cents a pop -- which doesn't seem like such a bad price if you just want a bunch of them for some sort of a project or to start a collection. If they WERE worth anything, you wouldn't sell them like this, and you wouldn't have such a non-descript picture (and all this is assuming they are real, which who knows -- I read somewhere that a lot of these things are reproduction, not original. But then, these don't seem like they are super-rare, so they may very well be legit).
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  4. #4
    DDL is offline
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    Thanks you two. I'm pretty sure they're originals, but eBay has a lot of those pins so you wouldn't think they'd be going for that much. There's another auction that has 80 for about 20 bucks or so, so I presume there is some sort of a demand for them. One other I saw (okay, I was bored) had a whole bunch of them just lumped together (in response to Barm) so that's an even worse picture.

    Heh, 500 of them. I'd say maybe $200 or something. It depends on how rare yours are, Ramil, and how much the collector wants them. If you ever do sell them, tell me how much they fetch.
    "You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it." -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDL
    Heh, 500 of them. I'd say maybe $200 or something. It depends on how rare yours are, Ramil, and how much the collector wants them. If you ever do sell them, tell me how much they fetch.
    Well, I'll do that as soon as I find them
    I havent seen any of them for about 20 years.
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Then I was a kid I used to have a strip of cloth with pins attached to it. Don't know where it is now. I think I have just thrown it out when I got older.
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  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    they look like the tin badges you get at izmailovski park. tourist feed worth about $10 (and yes, i do have one of those badge hats )
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