Has anyone here tried the "Ilya Frank method" for language learning? If so, what was your experience?

I get the impression that this methid is quite popular in Russia – I've come across lots of links to the website. http://www.franklang.ru/ (has an English section, albeit a small one - click on the link in the left hand panel).

This seems to be 100% not-for-profit.

The method is to read real books as parallel texts and proceed in the book without worrying too much whether you understand the grammar and details of the vocabulary, or not. Eventually it will all fall into place, according to the theory.

With a language like Russian, it seems to me that it's absolutely necessary to use Audio along with the texts, or to use a text that has accents....

Anyway, the method seems good and makes a lot of sense. I wanted to know whether anyone had tried it? How did you get material?