There must be a lot of beginners on this forum. Let's see if that's so. Tell us what is your level of mastery.
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There must be a lot of beginners on this forum. Let's see if that's so. Tell us what is your level of mastery.
I'll be the first to admit i'm a nub.
:lol: Dogboy, I'd say you're higher intermediate going on advanced. Aside form occasional errors, you put sentences together pretty well. :thumbup:
I'm a....native :twisted:
I definately consider myself to be an absolute beginner.
I was adopted with Russian as my first langauge, with lack of hearing it I forgot it but I'm relearning. I need to improve my vocabulary and I need to hear it more. The main thing is I need to be exposed to it more. I suppose I am a native relearning. But I don't know what I am. Intermediate? I don't know.
All I can do is read words, and only know very few of them. My learning of the Russian language is for the most part in limbo until I can take a Russian class.
I put 'Intermediate' but in truth I must be bordering on Elementary, especially if we're only talking about speaking and not listening, reading or writing ... I'm just too proud to let anyone call me "Elementary" after having studied it for so long :)
Still there's no way to judge is there? These words on their own don't mean anything.
How about ТРКИ ?
Im a very poor Beginner! We tend not to learn much in our Russian class because we are always so hyper and we giggle alot (even the guys!)
its a small Class of 8 (9 including the teacher) so you would think we would maybe learn quicker but nope! Apparently we are one of the biggest Russian classes in Scotland too!
походу нас тут больше всех :roll: :idea:
Can someone define what constitutes an elementary speaker, an intermediate, and so on? It's obvious what native/fluent means, but how does one know when he has moved from elementary to intermediate?
See, there is no real definition. Depends on what you want to call yourself, I guess.
In that case i rate myself pr0.
Я - новичок, но я учусь.
Thanks, fixed. учусь is just the infinitive, right?
no its uh, reflexive.
There's a US government test for language skill level; that's what I based my assessment of myself on - my score.Quote:
Originally Posted by Danilo
Lindzi, how about the official Russian govt. test, ТРКИ or whatever I should call it? Do you know anything about that one? I think we should give that more credence/importance, although if no one's taken it ... :?
Here are the guidelines from the ACTFL for rating foreign language proficiency: ... ntents.htm
I'm a Novice-Mid in almost all of those catagories, with reading the highest and listening the lowest.
And Dogboy, the infinitive of учу is учить...