So I was wondering how everyone was. I am hopefully going to go this summer and next semester to Russia. I have been once, but it was to my greatgrandmothers funeral. Have any advice? Survival tips? Possibly? Ok thanks so much!
So I was wondering how everyone was. I am hopefully going to go this summer and next semester to Russia. I have been once, but it was to my greatgrandmothers funeral. Have any advice? Survival tips? Possibly? Ok thanks so much!
Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
Don't drink the water. Don't play with skinheads. Don't trust the cops. If you see gypsies run as fast as you can. Don't do drugs. Do ride the metro. Don't expect people to know English. Don't use rocks as a hiding place for your espionage gear. Do acquire a Russian student id if at all possible to save mucho dinero on admission to museums, etc. Don't bring Harry S. Truman gifts. Don't try to outdrink a Russian. Do bring back liquor for friends. Do offer to take things to Russia/back from Russia for trusted friends/professors (ie you're not going to be someone's coke mule). Bring some unique American food/recipes to share. Do homestay if at all possible. Buy a travel guide, they're well worth the 15 bucks.Originally Posted by iamjames
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Don't know if they give student IDs for only a summer program... but if you can, seize on the oppertunity with all might and muster!
Barmaley said it indirectly, but make sure you visit the major museums! (wihouth knowing exactly where you are going, it is harder to give specific advice).
Dress in black, all the time. You will stand less out and have less money stolen from you. Try to look as Russian as possible, if it requires a 24-hour frown, then put it on. Avoid buying souveniers at street markets, a rip off, try to find a shopping mall with printed prices.
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
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Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
Eh, the black thing isn't such a big deal -- at least in the big cities. You forgot "the glare." You HAVE to have "the glare" in the repetoire to complete the look. The proudest day of my life is when I got my student id photo and I had the PERFECT "glare." Keep your money on person to a minimum, and then put it in a couple places -- I usually kept 300 rubles or so in a pocket, for easy access, and the other 1000 or whatever elsewhere. Also, never look a babushka directly in the eyes -- they have hidden laser cannons with which to annihilate you. And if they give you "advice" or lecture you just nod politely and get the hell out of there. And if they're begging, toss a few rubles their way.Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
And don't buy them YOURSELF at the markets -- get a Russian friend to do it for you -- the stores tend to have just as high of prices IMHO. Your best option, should it come about, is if you go to the actual woodworking factory for the stuff -- we got a tour and got pretty good prices; but then again, this is corny tourist stuff, too. If you get a chance to go to the chocolate factory though, definitely go to that. Mmmmm.....красный октябрь....
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Ok so dont drink the water why again? lol is it that bad? Oh, and do wear black, oh, had how do you look Russian?I mean, I AM RUSSIAN!!! I just live in America... like my parents were from Russia... lol. ok, so what are skin heads exactly???
OH! My friend Elina brought me back some Russian chocolate once, it had like alot of airbubbles in it.
Man I was in heaven for like three hours... Ahhh.... I miss that stuff. Ok, any more survival tips???
James- YES I AM FEMALE!!!![]()
Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
Hmm... I'm sorry for asking you but what's wrong with our Russian water?
I know that vast majority of Westeners who live in Russia think that our water has some strange and unpleasant taste in comparison with water in EU or US.
Is it just a bias or there are proven facts abount bad quality of water in Russia?
Единственное, что люди любят давать бесплатно - это советы.
youarejames, and you're a female?![]()
Bubbled up chocolate is yummy, but I'ma male!![]()
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
I have no idea what you are saying about black. Skin heads? Скинхеды, I think in Russian. They're assclowns who think minorities should be beaten to bloody pulps, basically. They have many times, surprisingly, shaved heads.Originally Posted by iamjames
Nothing wrong with asking that question. First of all, as we all know, America has the best water in the world (Flamebaiting/Joking)Originally Posted by Bisquit
. Seriously though, I think the biggest thing is simply the regional variation, both in taste and in content. (It's true here to an extent too; I went a few hundred miles away, and they had the nastiest water ever -- it was slimy and sulfury). A foreign visitor just isn't used to your water -- the bacteria, the treatments, the source, whatever. You may very well be able to drink gallon after gallon, because you're used to it; I'd take one swig and fall over dead (ok, I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea). And of course, whether it's fair or not, there is also the perception that the water there is subjected to more pollution. I have no idea. I have no data, no reports, no analysis. Frankly, I don't care; I have no desire to drink non-bottled Russian water and finding out. I do think though, that this can get ridiculous. I read somewhere that I shouldn't even eat fruit/veges because they absorb this dangerous water. I laughed. I then ate tons of the stuff. Seriously, you'd end up with Scurvey before you died of water poisoning though an apple. The bottom line here is this: our friend "James" should splurge and buy some bottled water. It's cheap, it's easy to find, and it's safe. He/she/it will have a much smoother visit that way.
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She's a man, baby!Originally Posted by Rtyom
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The tap water in large ex-Soviet cities is of better quality (and tastier) than in most places in the US. But yes, there is a considerable regional variation... you won't get poisoned anywhere, though.
As I said, I don't know about "quality." "Taste," however is entirely subjective. I don't know where you are/have lived Laxxy, but my hunch is this: unless the water is absolutely foul, the water you typically drink tastes "right." When you visit another city, that water is likely to be different tasting, and unless you spend a while there and acclimate, it's going to taste "worse" than your usual water. And the real threat isn't that you're going to get "poisoned," it's that you're going to encounter strange bacteria and other lifeforms in the tapwater. Unless you're willing to adapt to it by sucking up the vomitting and getting sick, then it's better to just drink the bottled stuff.
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Well, I drank St. Pete water! After boiling it of course. But they say that since the water pipes are so old, rust gets in the water, giving it a slightly discolored look. Secondly, I beliebr thr St. Pete water comes from the Neva or something and there are alot of heavy metals in it... well that is what I heard. I didn't die. But boil the water!
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
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Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
Then that's totally different. You're burniating all the lively things in it! It's a bit easier for us lazy Americans to buy bottled water. Besides, my host family seriously had about 4 glasses for the entire family. Glasses are not in such great supply in Russia; чашки are though!
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ok glasses and cups are like exactly the same!!! Except that one is plastic and the other is well GLASS duh! Ok, I am a femal, and the bubbly chocolate is good!!!![]()
Amaricans are very lazy and boiling the water would be time consuming... so how about not! Bottled water... Ozarka... Dasani... yumm...I have that here in America ANYWAY!!! So yeah, I guess going to Russia would be like way different water... Slimy? Eww!
The black thing... To wear black, someone said to wear it??? But why? I really dont get it?!?!?![]()
Skinheads... they dont like minorities? Well are there alot of them? Because if there isnt then they would be very hypocritical!!! (sp on that one!!)![]()
ANYWAY!!! Ok, what about like... my speech??? What should I do for that one? Like my accent? Should I hide it? Should I like... just not talk??? What should I do? Also, I am really not that good at Russian... I knew it as a young child but I dont really know it anymore, I havnt spoke it for 5 years, ever since my mother died... so yeah... But Who knows...
JamesBTW great Austin Powers joke on me BABY!
Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
Ok,Originally Posted by iamjames
1) Russian water is not slimy. You can drink it, just not from the tap. Use it for cooking, for drinking you are better off using bottled water.
2) Women don't need to wear black, it is a man thing.
3)There aren't alot of minorities, but the skinheads will find them and beat them up.
4) you can't hide that you are a foreigner, speak as much as possible. that is the best way to learn the language.
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
I feel I should clarify that, the statement was meant to be relative to my present location -- it was water in the state of Florida that was slimy...
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Раз так, не пей воду, пей пиво вместо!
...Вместо неё.
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
I have to agree with that. Drink Beer not water!Originally Posted by basurero
"Having no limitation as your limitation" ~ Bruce Lee
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