View Poll Results: Do you give away your spare change to the poor?

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Thread: Do you give money to homeless people on the street?

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Do you give money to homeless people on the street?

    Hi people. Its 3:33 am and I can't sleep because I feel sick. So I am thinking about money and "society"

    Here are the reasons not to give money to homeless people that I have heard

    1. It encourages them to stay the way they are by making it possible
    2. They will spen it on alcohol
    3. You work hard for your money why shouldn't they?

    I think those are excuses personally, but I also don't like to give all my money away. I think if you get in that situation you need help, you are probably too depressed to function adequately, and if it was me I would be happy to get the money. But I don't have millions to give away either.

  2. #2
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    No. I pay taxes.
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  3. #3
    din is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    No. I pay taxes.
    canada doesn't have homeless people anyway, you don't get to vote.
    you can't fix everyone's problems, and you shouldn't give all of your
    money away. I've talked to loads of people involved with homeless
    advocacy/shelters, and it's generally agreed that the best thing you
    can do it donate to an organisation that works with the homeless
    rather than making a direct cash handoff. that said, if I have a dollar
    or two then yeah, I usually pass it along. it's a small amount of
    money to me, usually, and if they acutally are using it for food, or
    bus fare back to montreal, then I'd rather they have it than not.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by din
    canada doesn't have homeless people anyway, you don't get to vote.
    You mean that every single person in Canada earns or makes enough money to have his own place? Why so many homeless shelters within this country then?
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    I rarely give the guy on the street any money. I give larger amounts to tax-exempt organizations like the Red Cross, and then I get to write some of it off my taxes.

    What does this have to do with learning Russian, anyway??

  6. #6
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    They are all druggies and alcoholics. The police should pick them up and dump them in the countryside. I live in the centre of London and there are loads of tramps and general undesirable sorts around.

    Don't give them money. Give them a kick in the head.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by din

    canada doesn't have homeless people anyway, you don't get to vote.
    Guess again. Anyways, my post was to distract Biancca from her feeling sick (under-overdose?).
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika

    What does this have to do with learning Russian, anyway??

    If I tried to make a lame connection I could say I was curious if people would react differently from different countries including Russia But that is a stretch.

    I am surprised I have not been banned yet for all my off-topicness.

    OK I will get back to studying Russian. But thanks for the responses anyway.

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    I saw a TV report, in which they showed up that beggars pay their own "taxes", part of the money collected that the beggars give away to quite rich and athletically set up men called "быки" (bulls) or, simplier, racketeers. The bulls "keep" places like these and "shepherd" the bums and when the right time comes they take away their share. The racketmen also determine which places the bums have to occupy at the monent and organize their mannings. The worst thing for me is a sort of very unskillful musicians that walk through the carriages in a commute train and sing songs in their drunk, false voices making me bear it all.
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    well, to steer this topic to Russian, I think there is a small difference in the types of beggars.

    It is sad to see all the babushkas standing outside in the freezing cold begging for money. You think she is a lazy alcoholic drug abuser who lives rich on her pension and the money she cashes in on a given day, or a childless widow whoes pension pays a third of her one square centimeter room in the bottom of a pit?
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    well, to steer this topic to Russian, I think there is a small difference in the types of beggars.

    It is sad to see all the babushkas standing outside in the freezing cold begging for money. You think she is a lazy alcoholic drug abuser who lives rich on her pension and the money she cashes in on a given day, or a childless widow whoes pension pays a third of her one square centimeter room in the bottom of a pit?
    Yea I'll give some small change to beggars and street-performers, but if a gypsy comes my way, POW, right in the kisser!
    Corrupting young minds since May 6, 2004.

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    They are all druggies and alcoholics. The police should pick them up and dump them in the countryside. I live in the centre of London and there are loads of tramps and general undesirable sorts around.

    Don't give them money. Give them a kick in the head.
    No offense but this is the way snobs and people of the polite society think about poverty and believe their shиt doesn't smell.
    De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.

  13. #13
    DDT is offline
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    Some beggars are not legitimate. I have been know to personally run a couple of these out of my town.
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  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    But some of the organizations you can donate to are not legit either, I think they skim a little off the top

  15. #15
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    Well, then I guess I'll have to run them out of town too!
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  16. #16
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    When I first moved into the city, I did actually believe the homeless people that we have out here. (sucker). However, since I didn't smoke in the house, they would often approach me on the sidewalk in front of my loft and start in on me, telling me their life stories. They would eventually find a heartstring, pull it, and get some cash.

    I stopped because I started actually listening to them. In the course of one week, every single one of the regulars that hang out near my apartment had lied to me at least six times. I started calling their bluff on their stories. One (that I have dealt with here for over a year) even had the audacity to start telling one lady about how he had lost everything--his house, his wife, and his daughter in New Orleans to Hurricane Katrina. I told him "Leave that woman alone. You didn't lose anything in the hurricane, you have been out in front of these apartments for the last year!" He was angry but my god, you should have seen her tell him off--she had really lost family there.

    My point is, were it genuine need that forced them to beg, I wouldn't have a problem with helping out, but apparently most of them are beggars by profession. And while I like to hear a good story as much as the next guy, I am not about to pay for one.

    Another interesting note is that Little Rock has in the past few years earned the title "Meanest city to the homeless." That's because many cities have programs that give the vagrants fifty bucks and a one-way bus ticket--to Little Rock. We have neither the funding nor the jobs to deal with other cities' problem.

    Okay, I am done complaining.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbblack
    Another interesting note is that Little Rock has in the past few years earned the title "Meanest city to the homeless." That's because many cities have programs that give the vagrants fifty bucks and a one-way bus ticket--to Little Rock. We have neither the funding nor the jobs to deal with other cities' problem.
    Presumably they use the $50 to buy a bus ticket to somewhere more hospitable to their kind.
    Corrupting young minds since May 6, 2004.

  18. #18
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    I was in New York City going to an interview. On the way, I saw a woman with three dirty children. She asked for some money so that she can feed her kids. I gave here a couple of dollars. I went to my interview, then on the way back, I saw her in a liquor store buying alcohol.
    Since then I do not give money to beggers, especially in America where it is so easy to get a job and food is very cheap.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  19. #19
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    Не подаю.
    Деньги - это свобода выбора. Моя соседка попала однажды в ситуацию, аналогичную предыдущей. По дороге в церковь она увидела бомжа и дала ему сумму, эквивалентную двум долларам. А когда шла обратно, увидела его валяющимся среди пустых пивных бутылок. Сами понимаете, какие чувства она испытала.
    И я также не так давно смотрела передачу, посвящённую этой теме. То, что у нищих есть "крыша", я знала давно, но услышала такие подробности об этом бизнесе... Например, про колясочников на проезжей части. Их вывозят ранним утром и размещают на определённых точках голодных. До вечера им нельзя есть, чтобы не нужно было везти их в туалет, извините за подробности. Или мамочки с грудными детьми на руках. Зачастую это цыганки. Бывает, что никакого ребёнка в конверте нет, там просто тряпки или кукла. А если и есть, то не её это ребёнок, краденый. И знаете, почему эти дети не кричат? (младенцы ведь вообще шумный, горластый народ) Их поят. Спиртным, снотворным, чем угодно, лишь бы молчали. Что ей до него [ребёнка]? Она видит в нём лишь инструмент для добывания денег. Так откуда же люди знают, что делают добро, отдавая свои деньги? Они ведь не контролируют дальнейший путь этих денег, и таким образом просто способствуют развитию этого бизнеса, наживанию на детях/больных/стариках. Иногда в людях просыпается чувство вины перед теми, кому живётся много хуже, им не хочется выглядеть такими уж эгоистичными в своей одежде неплохого качества, с успехом в работе/учёбе и личной жизни, понимаю. И они пытаются это чувство заглушить подачкой. Но знаете... конечно, сидение с протянутой рукой может принести долларов двадцать в день, но я не верю, что таким образом можно собрать деньги на дорогостоящую операцию. Раз уж хочется помочь тому, кому нечего есть - дайте что-нибудь из еды, булочку какую-нибудь, пакетик сока, но не деньги. Этим людям нельзя распоряжаться деньгами. Вы думаете, бомжата так уж безобидны? Так вот, они бывают наглыми, бывает, что бравируют своим положением. Мальчик, собирающий деньги на светофоре, чуть ли не бросается под колёса. Он чувствует себя здесь как дома, и, как ни в чём ни бывало, бежит дальше, пока перепуганный водитель пытается отдышаться.
    Кстати, с некоей долей скептицизма отношусь и к пожертвованиям в адреса детских домов. Кто знает, через чьи руки проходят эти деньги... Но это уже другая тема.
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  20. #20
    Старший оракул
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    in england i dont give money to them but russia i do - not all the time, but i give stuff to injured war vets and alike when they come on the metro, also to old babushkas sometimes
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