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Thread: Funny (both meanings of the word) Spam

  1. #1
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    Funny (both meanings of the word) Spam

    Last week, my brother received the following unsolicited email:

    From: Ekaterina Akimova
    Subject: No Games!

    Hello dear friend! I do not know from what to begin my letter to you
    because the acquaintance through the Internet is for the first time for
    me, therefore I'm beforehand sorry if something wrong. I hope you have
    received my letter and now you read it. About myself. First of all I
    want to say that I do not play in games and I search serious intentions
    and relations. My name is Ekaterina, I live in Stavropol city, in
    I'm 27 years old, I have no children and I have never been married.
    I would like to meet my only man and to share with him my life.
    I would like to know about you as much as possible, certainly if you
    not against and if you are interested too, ab! out your character, your
    vital principles, your interests, likes and dislikes and other things.
    Therefore if you too would like to know me better, then write to me
    please to this e-mail: I'll wait for your response
    letter very much!
    E. Akimova

    What is your opinion about such things?

    EDIT: Personally, I think it would be kind of fun to try to beat spammers at their own game, somehow. It would be fun to send this address a barrage of funny, mean, insulting emails from a bazillion different (false) email addresses, wouldn't it? :P
    "To know another language is to possess another soul." --Unknown (Sometimes attributed to Charlemagne)

  2. #2
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    My thoughts? To be blunt, I think spam sucks and therefore this email sucks. Guess what: she is playing "games" -- a game where some sucker (or army of suckers) wastes their time and money. You don't just randomly email people (especially since you can't generally just type in random characters for an address) and ask them to marry you. DON'T EVEN LET YOUR BROTHER THINK ABOUT REPLYING. The only thing funny is her email address: Why would you name your site "slow mail?" lol
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  3. #3
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    /enable sarcasm:

    You should definately reply. I think this girl is really interested in you, and I can't think of anything more romantic than being involved with somebody who has only a modicum of command of your native language.

    /disable sarcasm

    Seriously, this person can't have good intentions. At the worst it will turn into something like "Send me $XXX so I can call you / see you / etc...", and at the very least if you respond it will probably just add your email to a spamlist.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    My thoughts? To be blunt, I think spam sucks and therefore this email sucks. Guess what: she is playing "games" -- a game where some sucker (or army of suckers) wastes their time and money. You don't just randomly email people (especially since you can't generally just type in random characters for an address) and ask them to marry you. DON'T EVEN LET YOUR BROTHER THINK ABOUT REPLYING. The only thing funny is her email address: Why would you name your site "slow mail?" lol
    Um, my brother isn't quite dumb enough to reply to someone at a "slowmail" spam address, thank goodness. :P

    Anyone clueless enough to reply to something like this almost deserves to be cheated out of his money. Amazing what people will do to steal a little money, these days... Who would ever answer such a thing? I think that an anti-spammer campaign should be started. I'll probably just report it to the fraud email thingy, although it would be more fun to send this particular address a barrage of funny/insulting/dumb/mean emails from an array of false email addresses. .. One must look out for the naive, you know...!

    There must be a way to beat these people at their own game...?
    "To know another language is to possess another soul." --Unknown (Sometimes attributed to Charlemagne)

  5. #5
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    Maybe he's not dumb enough, but take a look at other postings like yours on this site and others; there have been plenty of other takers. And I don't think there's any "little" money about it; you can probably live quite well in "Stavropol" (or wherever she/he/it really is) if you have only a couple suckers a month. And the only way I figure you can beat them is to arrange a meeting -- and then bring a bunch of soccer hooligan buddies with you to destroy their little operation... Ah, what a dream! But seriously, not much you can do; you could "reverse spam" the address, but they'll just set up a new address in about 5 minutes somewhere else -- leaving aside any legal/ethical questions. Best to just ignore them or laugh at them. If you were really so dedicated, I suppose you could tell your brother to lead her/him/it along for a few months just to screw with them -- but then you'd just be wasting your time too (unless you really could have a good time doing it: "My name is Martin. I would love to know a Russian girl. I am 6 ft. tall, but I only have one leg and three arms. I also have an exotic elbow fungus. I think the Russian cold would heal it though. Let's meet. I will be in Stavropol at 3am Sunday morning. We should meet and eat vegetables together.) You get the idea...
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    Maybe he's not dumb enough, but take a look at other postings like yours on this site and others; there have been plenty of other takers. And I don't think there's any "little" money about it; you can probably live quite well in "Stavropol" (or wherever she/he/it really is) if you have only a couple suckers a month. And the only way I figure you can beat them is to arrange a meeting -- and then bring a bunch of soccer hooligan buddies with you to destroy their little operation... Ah, what a dream! But seriously, not much you can do; you could "reverse spam" the address, but they'll just set up a new address in about 5 minutes somewhere else -- leaving aside any legal/ethical questions. Best to just ignore them or laugh at them. If you were really so dedicated, I suppose you could tell your brother to lead her/him/it along for a few months just to screw with them -- but then you'd just be wasting your time too (unless you really could have a good time doing it: "My name is Martin. I would love to know a Russian girl. I am 6 ft. tall, but I only have one leg and three arms. I also have an exotic elbow fungus. I think the Russian cold would heal it though. Let's meet. I will be in Stavropol at 3am Sunday morning. We should meet and eat vegetables together.) You get the idea...
    Hahaha... Yes, actually, this is exactly what I was thinking... I thought it would be really fun to screw with the person and then ask her where I could send her a package or something... And then send something totally disgusting and outrageous to the address that she named... It would be so much fun! Oh, sweet revenge! It would be pretty entertaining, actually... Maybe I'll do it, in fact...
    "To know another language is to possess another soul." --Unknown (Sometimes attributed to Charlemagne)

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин Volk's Avatar
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    I get those types of spam mail sometimes.

    There are ways of getting back at them, some people really do hate spammers...
    Please correct any Russian language mistakes I make.

  8. #8
    DDT is offline
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    I think that you should do as I usually do in these circumstances. Tell her that she is in luck because she has been fortunate enough to contact such a big "Hollywood Producer" such as you and to send several photos of herself posing naked to you for a role in your upcomming film project!
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I think that you should do as I usually do in these circumstances. Tell her that she is in luck because she has been fortunate enough to contact such a big "Hollywood Producer" such as you and to send several photos of herself posing naked to you for a role in your upcomming film project!
    How many photographs have you got?
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I think that you should do as I usually do in these circumstances. Tell her that she is in luck because she has been fortunate enough to contact such a big "Hollywood Producer" such as you and to send several photos of herself posing naked to you for a role in your upcomming film project!
    That's great -- unless she happens to be under 18. Then you're royally ****ed.
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  11. #11
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    That was my boss, long ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by волк
    I get those types of spam mail sometimes.

    There are ways of getting back at them, some people really do hate spammers...
    I remember hearing about him on the news and being shocked. I knew that man - he never payed his English teachers and scammed many people out of their money. He was an evil, evil person. I don't think he was killed because of spamming... He was just a crook. And sometimes, what goes around, truly does come around...
    "To know another language is to possess another soul." --Unknown (Sometimes attributed to Charlemagne)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I think that you should do as I usually do in these circumstances. Tell her that she is in luck because she has been fortunate enough to contact such a big "Hollywood Producer" such as you and to send several photos of herself posing naked to you for a role in your upcomming film project!
    No thanks! I'm a straight girl!
    "To know another language is to possess another soul." --Unknown (Sometimes attributed to Charlemagne)

  13. #13
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezhikvtumane
    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    I think that you should do as I usually do in these circumstances. Tell her that she is in luck because she has been fortunate enough to contact such a big "Hollywood Producer" such as you and to send several photos of herself posing naked to you for a role in your upcomming film project!
    No thanks! I'm a straight girl!
    Perfect, because Ekaterina Akimova will probably turn out to be three old Russian guys sitting around the kitchen table with a bottle of vodka!
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

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