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Thread: Collage Classes For Russian

  1. #1
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    Collage Classes For Russian

    So I am a High School Student, a Sophmore.
    For more than a year now I've been studing russian, & now I've come to the conclution that I want to do something like have a major in Russian Literature, but of coarse I still have a long way to go.

    My point is that i want to go to a University for Russian Literature, or at least Linguistics, but I have no idea where to go. I live in Southern California, but I dont plan on staying here after collage, so any other states are fine. I've heard of Seattle UC that was great, but do you have any recommendations?
    Amy Mariovna.
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  2. #2
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Seattle isn't a UC (University of California)

    But yes, University of Washington (in Seattle) is highly recommended!
    (I am an alumni from UW)

    Stanford has a program too, you might want to check that out!
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Seattle isn't a UC (University of California)

    But yes, University of Washington (in Seattle) is highly recommended!
    (I am an alumni from UW)

    Stanford has a program too, you might want to check that out!
    I meant university but wasnt thinking about the abreviation when I was typing it, haha. my bad.

    Great! Thanks. I looked into the UW a little, but it's been quite a while.
    & Where is stanford?
    & what classes did you take at UW? (If I may ask?)
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  4. #4
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    I joined the military hoping they would make me a Russian linguist...

    Don't join the military! :P

    I'm actually from Seattle and I wish I had heard about such programs.

    But, having not taken them I can only advise you not to join the military

    Though, there is a school that I have been pretty interested in when I finish the military (only 2 years left!) in Australia called Macquarie University I think...

    They specialize in languages and degrees. For example, you go there and get a 4 year degree in European Business + a diploma in Russian. ... #languages

    Having been to Australia I can say that it seems like an awesome program. Short of actually studying in Russia (the program includes overseas target language visits) it seems like one of the better institutes that I've seen.

    As far as in America, not sure.
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmyMariovna
    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Seattle isn't a UC (University of California)

    But yes, University of Washington (in Seattle) is highly recommended!
    (I am an alumni from UW)

    Stanford has a program too, you might want to check that out!
    I meant university but wasnt thinking about the abreviation when I was typing it, haha. my bad.

    Great! Thanks. I looked into the UW a little, but it's been quite a while.
    & Where is stanford?
    & what classes did you take at UW? (If I may ask?)
    I took my masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics, totally unrelated to your problem . But I was planning to take my next degree in Russian at the UW, but then chose instead to travel to Russia for a year to study there. Something which I would highly recommend, if your parents let you (Not that it is dangerous or anything, but the endless worries of a parent can get overwhelming for some)

    UW was a great school, I can't vouch for their Russian studies though.
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    I joined the military hoping they would make me a Russian linguist...

    Don't join the military! :P

    I'm actually from Seattle and I wish I had heard about such programs.

    But, having not taken them I can only advise you not to join the military

    Though, there is a school that I have been pretty interested in when I finish the military (only 2 years left!) in Australia called Macquarie University I think...

    They specialize in languages and degrees. For example, you go there and get a 4 year degree in European Business + a diploma in Russian. ... #languages

    Having been to Australia I can say that it seems like an awesome program. Short of actually studying in Russia (the program includes overseas target language visits) it seems like one of the better institutes that I've seen.

    As far as in America, not sure.
    Haha, I wont plan on it!
    I actually did consider the marines, but not for language purposes anyway.
    Thanks alot! That was a great link, & i always wanted to go to austrailia, so that would be a good time to do it!
    Yeah, besides washington, I pretty much want to leave America as soon as possible, I dont like it here at all! My plan was to leave to Russia, France, or england later on, then live the rest of my life there.
    I just wish my parents stayed in russia or I wouldnt be here in the 1st place, haha.
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  7. #7
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    UW was a great school, I can't vouch for their Russian studies though

    yep :P you have to have pretty good grades to get in :P

    High school wasn't really my cup of tea thus, I didn't apply anywhere (plus I had already decided to gamble with the military) but when I get out its one of the places I'm gonna try to get into.

    In Washington there are 2 main school UW and WSU. WSU is more the party school and degrees from there, while they are real degrees hail in comparison to degrees from UW. So if you can get into UW then it defineatly wouldn't be a bad choice.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    I took my masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics, totally unrelated to your problem . But I was planning to take my next degree in Russian at the UW, but then chose instead to travel to Russia for a year to study there. Something which I would highly recommend, if your parents let you (Not that it is dangerous or anything, but the endless worries of a parent can get overwhelming for some)

    UW was a great school, I can't vouch for their Russian studies though.
    Yeah I was considering that as well. I mean I've been to Russia, my parents were russian, but I stopped learning it when I was about 4 or 5, & now I want to pick it up again.
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  9. #9
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    Yeah, besides washington, I pretty much want to leave America as soon as possible, I dont like it here at all! My plan was to leave to Russia, France, or england later on, then live the rest of my life there. Very Happy
    I just wish my parents stayed in russia or I wouldnt be here in the 1st place, haha.
    Actually the Marines aren't bad linguistically, you could probably join the Marines and convince them to teach you both French and Russian, or German or any combination of languages, they are pretty flexible about it. If I could do it again I would have joined the Marines knowing what I know now.

    But yeah Australia was a blast and I'D LOVE to go to school there.

    England isn't bad (I'm living here now :P) but its Crazy expensive... so unless you speak really good french(or money just isn't an issue (lucky you)), stay in America as long as possible :P.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    so unless you speak really good french, stay in America as long as possible :P.
    Yeah. Alot of my family were/are in the marines, so its kindof expected of me to. & yes I do speak french, haha. So far just english & french, & I'm learning russian now.
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  11. #11
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Привет, AmyMariovna!

    There are many, many universities in the US that teach Russian, UCLA and UCB in your neck of the woods spring to mind. There are the ones I went to UChicago and Northwestern, and there is my local one UNC (basketball is not the only item on the curriculum!).

    As a former Russian student and university teacher of Russian and Slavic linguistics I can make a couple of suggestions:
    Check out the website of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, especially its Newsletter, which includes lots of ads for summer abroad type of sessions. You may not find a list of universities that teach Russian, but you can assume that these offering study abroad programs teach Russian.

    There is a listserv that I regularly read for people interested in Slavic and East European Languages. You could join for free and post a query there, it is full of Russian teachers!


  12. #12
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Thanks, чаика!
    I will definately keep that all in mind!
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  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    You could study Russian at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison. It's cold enough here to prepare you for Moscow, or Siberia. We have bears roaming the streets here too.......
    Не балуй!

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