I'd like to ask my friend to bring a dictionary for russia for.
but I have no idea what to choose.
would you tell me the dictionary you're using?
could you discribe it for me..
many thanks.
I'd like to ask my friend to bring a dictionary for russia for.
but I have no idea what to choose.
would you tell me the dictionary you're using?
could you discribe it for me..
many thanks.
I always use the Lingvo dictionary!!!Originally Posted by whinny
Me too. Perhaps, whinny is asking about paper dictionaries.Originally Posted by Chuvak
What do you mean? What kind of dictionary do you need?Originally Posted by whinny
Please correct my mistakes if you can, especially article usage.
My avatar shall be the author I'm currently reading.
I <HEART> my Katzner. It's fairly big and paperback though, so I'm not sure how well it'll really work out for you if you're travelling (I did take mine to Russia).
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/047101 ... oding=UTF8
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
BY KENNETH KATZNER; Revised and Expanded Edition, " The only comprehensive English - Russian, Russian-English Dictionary based on American English
Не балуй!
Whinny - am I understanding you right, that you have a friend who is willing to bring you a dictionary back from Russia?
In that case, you'd probably have to forget about the above (they don't seem to be Russian editions??? Are they? I any case, nice tip, thanks Haksaw & Barmaley)
IF it is a dictionary from Russia you're asking about, I'd say: ОЖЕГОВ!!!!
It has saved me many a time.
It's an explanatory dictionary (Russian-Russian), written by a Mr. Ожегов, and is generally known as THE Ожегов.If you tell your friend to ask for that in the bookstore, they'll know what to give him.
It has about 57000 words in it, and is very comprehensive.
Even if you have very bad Russian - like me![]()
- if you use it in combination with a good translation dictionary (that will be where the Katzner comes in), there will be very little that you will not be able to find.
BTW, what's your native language? Maybe there's a good Russian-X out there for you?![]()
Barmaley & Haksaw: a test for your Katzner![]()
What is "ГНУС" ?
(just asking because I ran into that word this week. And even my excellent Russian-Danish Gyldendals didn't have it - which is very rare. Mr. Ожегов saved me again. And I'm also looking for a good Russian-English)
Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....
After digging up for this word in Lingvo I found out that гнус is gnats.
Единственное, что люди любят давать бесплатно - это советы.
Гнус - это еще гнусавый человек (в переносном смысле - гадкий, подлый, противный)
Katzner has it:Originally Posted by BabaYaga
Гнус n. bloodsucking insects (mosquitoes, gnats, etc.).
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
sorry,I forgot to check my spelling..
babayada is right.My friend is coming back from russia(the fareast)
my mother tongue is Chinese...But I'd like to learn english and russian at the same time.I'm a sophomor student in russian department.
<At same time I've got a TOEFL score(603+twe5.0)>
More suggestions?
What's the maximum TOEFL score???Originally Posted by whinny
Well done, Katzner.Originally Posted by Barmaley
Ожегов describes it as a collective name for small, flying insects (so it wouldn't work for the mosquitos we have here - they're huuuuge!) - which fits perfectly in the context that I encountered it in.
Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....
Very cool!Originally Posted by basurero
Especially this bit:
It is your trump,
It is your hateful little trump,
You pointed fiend,
Which shakes my sudden blood to hatred of you:
It is your small, high, hateful bugle in my ear.
So true! I hate that small, high, hateful bugle too!![]()
Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....
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