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Thread: Abt changes in "special" letters

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Abt changes in "special" letters

    I have a problem that may be is just mine, but if someone has had it and had resolved it...
    I have many works (Grammar and exercices of any kind) written by me in Russian. I kept them firstly in the HD of my computer. After some disaster I bought a external HD, where I them was keeping; and again too external HD die. So did mine. Luckily I have a copy in printed papel, but... Changed I to work as a better way with the cloud of SkiLife (or something like this, I don't remember its name) I got to see every letter in Russian on which I had put and accent (by means of Hex 0301) were "translated" when reopen, changed into the symbol of Yen, the Norwegian OE, and so. Lately I work with the cloud Dropbox with which I am very glad, but... also some letter here and there appears changed. Firstly I thougt that was I that haven't made the correction. But not, without a strict rule also in Dropbox appear theses changes. Has someone a solution or at least an explanation on why this occurs? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    I can't imagine what you are talking about. Cloud storage services normally keep binary information and do not make any changes. They just do not care what exactly they keep.

    You can ensure that they don't change anything by compressing your documents with password and keep compressed files. If they change a single bit the file will not decompress.

    But probably changes are arising somewhere else, not at cloud storage.
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I refer to these changes taken from the cloud of Sky Drive. So and the same occured with the cloud of Google.

    1 уезжáть
    2 забегать
    3 походŒть
    4 въезжáть
    5 приходŒть

    In every case instead of these OE, и stressed was introduced. As I said Dropbox is much more respectful with this letters, but not enough.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин pushvv's Avatar
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    Indeed, you have a problem with your document viewer (if i understand what you are talking about properly). Not sure how it works in skilife but in dropbox i usually save my files - pictures, documents, programs and so on, later i can download them from there and open with a program i usually use. I think you saved your work in raw txt format so you might want to try to change encoding your text editor using to display the file. I could suggest you notepad++ for the purpose of changing document encoding. If it doesn't help you, please describe your problem better (file format, program you use, may be operating system).

    Basically, the program that u used to create this document interprets special letters another way than the program you use now.

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushvv View Post
    Indeed, you have a problem with your document viewer (if i understand what you are talking about properly). Not sure how it works in skilife but in dropbox i usually save my files - pictures, documents, programs and so on, later i can download them from there and open with a program i usually use. I think you saved your work in raw txt format so you might want to try to change encoding your text editor using to display the file. I could suggest you notepad++ for the purpose of changing document encoding. If it doesn't help you, please describe your problem better (file format, program you use, may be operating system).

    Basically, the program that u used to create this document interprets special letters another way than the program you use now.
    Thank you. I will read it carefully and if it finally it works will be a great success. I don't know if I will be as wise as to do what you советуете but I will do my best. I repeat, many thanks.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Evernote is good and will keep all your accents.
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  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by sperk View Post
    Evernote is good and will keep all your accents.
    Thank you. I will see it too.

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