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  • 2 Post By Antonio1986

Thread: English? What English

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    English? What English

    1957 и 1959 годах, греческий экономист, профессор Ксенофонт Золотас, управляющий банком Греции выступил с двумя докладами на английском языке с использованием исключительно греческих слов.

    It is Zeus' anathema on our epoch for the dynamish of our economies and the heresy of our economic methods and policies, that we should agonize between the Scylla and Charybdis of economic anaemia. It is not my idiosyncracy to be ironic or sarcastic by my diagnosis would ne that politicians are rather cryptoplethorists. Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic plethora, they energize it through their tactic and practices. Our policies should be based more on economic and less on political criteria. Our gnomon has to be a metron between economic, strategic and philanthropic scopes. Political magic has always been antieconomic. In an epoch characterized by monopolies, oligopolies, monopsonies, monopolistic anatagonism and polymorhous inelasticities, our policies have to be more orthological. But this should not be metamorhosed into plethorophobia which is endemic into plethorophobia among academic economists. Numismatic symmetry should not hyperantagonize economic acme. A greater harmonization between the practices of the economic and numismatic archons is basic.
    MasterAdmin and Soft sign like this.
    Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    Wow... I have no idea what that says... that makes me wonder, is there anything like this in other languages? I mean, to me, Russians seem like they're always speaking like that, but is there way to speak that has the same utter confusion effect in other languages?

  3. #3
    Почётный участник Lady Maria's Avatar
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    hihihihihi. That was cheeky!

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Strange, cause I understand a lot of this text. Really, I might think that it's english.

    I hve recalled one humoristic video, in which english native speaker (american correspondent) can't understand what their respondents (british, indian, russian) say, because of their pronunciation. However respondents understand each other well.

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